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What were you supposed to learn?

-We are supposed to learn about discourse communities and how everything around us
can fall into certain discourse communities.
What did you learn?
-I learned way more than I thought about how discourse communities can be defined as
your culture, religion, upbringing. To be in one, you either have to be born into it or
incorporated into it by someone in it already, but you will never fully be in it.
What did you think was the hardest about this section?
-The hardest thing about this section is probably the final paper and understanding what
goes in it. Also what a discourse community really was in the beginning of the section.
What did you think was the easiest about this section?
-At the end of the section, when I finally understood what a discourse community was.
What do you think about your final draft that you turned in/are going to turn in?
-I feel that it is pretty well written with maybe some minor errors, but I feel confident
about it.

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