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Word Reporter

Name: Jesus Guerra

Book: The god of small things
Chapters: ____________________
Your job is to look up definitions to unknown words and create an excellent sentence using
During the Lit Circle Meeting, Do the Following:

Make sure everyone in your group copies down each word and definition


Together create a new sentence and write this on your vocabulary sheet


Make sure the teacher checks the group's sentence for accuracy

1. Word: Brass Page 3 Paragraph: 5

Sentence from the book: "Brass handle shined."
The definition is: A yellow alloy of copper and zinc
My sentence is: Old weapons were made out of brass.
Our team sentence is: Brass is a very effective alloy for pots.
2. Word: coriander Page 7 Paragraph 1
Sentence from the book: "they would transfer them to his red plastic shopping basket (onions at the
bottom, brinjal and tomatoes on the top) and always a sprig of coriander and a fistful of green chilies for
The definition is: An aromatic annual Eurasian herb. It is cultivated for its edible fruits, leafy shoots, and
My sentence is: Having a coriander makes the home smell good all day.
Our team sentence is: Corianders smell good.
3. Word: swampy Page 7 Paragraph 2
Sentence from the book: "It reached out of his head and enfolded him in its swampy arms."
The definition is: A seasonally flooded bottomland with more woody plants than a marsh and better
drainage than a bog.

My sentence is: the backyard is a little swampy.

Our team sentence is: Going to a swamp is dangerous.
My comment or question about this story is:

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