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Avena sativa

Description: Oats are a member of the family Poaceae, the grass family. They are often mixed with
legumes which are nitrogen fixers. They help support the weak stemmed legumes, such as field peas.
They are fast growing and used as green manure. We planted them as a cover crop for winter. For best
results, they should be planted by mid-September. The heavy stubble will prevent soil erosion. Oats will
die off by springtime and will provide nutrients to the soil. Avena sativa is an annual growing to 0.9 m
(3ft) by 0.1 m (0ft 4in). It is not frost tender. It is in flower from Jun to July, and the seeds ripen from Aug
to October. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by
Wind. The plant is self-fertile. They can be used for oat meal or as feed for livestock.
Climate: cool and moist
Soil: well-drained
pH: 5.5-7.0
Days to maturity: 100-120
Recommended seeding: 100 lbs. per acre
Work the soil into a good seedbed and broadcast the seed by hand or with a crank-type seeder. Rake
the soil lightly to work the seed into the top 2 inches of ground. Spread a 2- to 4-inch layer of loose
straw mulch after seeding to help conserve moisture and control weeds. We planted the oats at the
same time as the field peas. To sow the seeds we used a hand tiller and a rake and we sprinkled the
seeds onto the bare soil.

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