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Progress Test 1 Audio Script

Track 5

Its important that you give everyone an opportunity to speak if they want to without
interrupting them unnecessarily. Thats not to say though that you should let certain
people dominate the session quite the opposite. Create an atmosphere of openness and
trust so that everyone feels able to make their contribution.
Book an appropriate room for the type of meeting. And dont forget to take into account
the number of people attending not one thats too big or too small, too hot or too cold.
Its awful sitting, being squashed in a hot and stuffy old seminar room, or freezing in a
huge boardroom.
Ensure that when youre organising a meeting that those people who have been asked to
come are really the ones you need to be there. Theres nothing worse than sitting in a
meeting where you have nothing to say and its even worse being in a meeting with
people who have nothing to do with the topic under discussion.
Being late for a meeting shows a lack of respect for the other participants, so make sure
you get there promptly and dont wait until someone comes to find you! If you really
cant get there make sure you send your apologies way in advance so that theres time
for someone else to be invited in your place.
If you are arranging the meeting make sure that you let everyone know beforehand what
is expected of them and what they need to bring or read you know, make photocopies
of any reports or whatever that you want them to look at in advance.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

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