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Trent Hagiya

LBS 400
Science Reflection
After reviewing what is taught in elementary science, I need to focus on biology and
physical science. Much of the curriculum is about life and earth sciences, with an emphasis on
physical science. Basic levels of biology and physics should be implemented in instruction.
Even though it sounds intimidating, looking at the curriculum for K-2, most of the material is
based on students being aware of their surroundings. For example, in Kindergarten, the physical
science element has students describing the physical properties of an object. They can examine
the size, shape, color, texture, or any other observation of an item. These basic concepts, along
with a few advanced concepts are implemented in the science standards.
I have no experience with science in the teaching field or with observation, but the
classes Ive taken over the years should help me with teaching this subject. The biology, earth
science, and physical science components of the liberal studies program offered solid lecture
instruction with fun, simple lab experiments that I can carry over in the classroom. An earth
science lab recreated a map of the western US and categorized the faults in a diorama style. A
physical science lab tested air pressure with balloons. All of these, plus other labs can be used as
fun and educational instruction for elementary students.
I have some high-level physics experience, but I took those classes long ago and forgot
most of the material. Thankfully I dont need that extensive knowledge, as long as I comprehend
the basics, I feel confident in my abilities. My overall strengths are in the earth sciences and
physical sciences. I dont feel as confident with biology. Its mostly memorization, so if I work

on that, I feel that I can be more competent in that subject area. The difficulty with science is
that not all subjects and topics connect. Sure, the biology parts lead up to more biology, and
possibly some earth science, but that does not necessarily connect to physical science. So to
have extensive knowledge in all three subjects is a difficult task at hand. I just have to take it a
step at a time and not panic when dealing with each topic.
The artifacts I plan on using for this subject are pictures of labs and assignments from
previous classes. These assignments will show my knowledge in the subject matter and will
provide a template for fun experiments to teach potential lessons.

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