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Alexander Hamilton

Application for: Secretary of the Treasury

Qualifications: Emerging from one of the finest Universities and author of various
papers. Highly intelligent and vastly experienced in financial and political field,
assuming the best interest of the country and will make decisions others are afraid to
make, even though they are necessary. Out-spoken and honest, serving under and
alongside multiple authority figures and founding fathers.
Education: Studied at Kings College in 1774
- Author/writer
- Lieutenant Colonel, 1777
- Receiver of continental taxes for New York, 1782
- Philadelphia Representative of continental congress, 1782
- Elected to New York Legislature
Experience: Wrote the Constitution and The Federalist Papers. Helped establish values
for anti-slavery group. Secured funding of the national debt, adopted a federal dominated
revenue source and merged national authority. Established a bank in which the
government owned stock, and gave status to American currency. Key leader in the
movement to strengthen the general government of the United States.
References: Elias Boudinot, Philip Schuyler, George Washington

Works Cited
Wright, Esmond. Alexander Hamilton: Founding Father. History Today; March 1957,
Vol. 7 Issue 3, p182-189, 8p, 4 Black and White Photographs.
"Timeline: Alexander Hamilton Chronology." PBS. PBS, 08 May 2007. Web. 08 Dec.
2013. <>

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