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Locate your media centers educational philosophy/ purpose or mission statement and copy/paste

it into this section.

Mission Statement/ Purpose:
The mission of Media Services and Technology Training is to provide quality media, technology, and
information services in order to enhance learning and ensure access to ideas and information for all.
The three purposes of the Gwinnett County media program are to:

provide media resources, facilities, services, and staff to support all areas of the instructional
provide a variety of services for students which develop skills and encourage the pursuit of lifelong learning
develop procedures which allow optimum accessibility and effective utilization of all resources
and the flexibility necessary to individualize instruction for students

The mission statement addresses all of the items listed except for number 4 which is the proactive
connection of the school media program to the local learning community and beyond. The mission
statement ends with access to all ideas and information for all. This does meet the needs of the
community thoroughly. I would like to add more details about the communitys connection to the
library. This mission statement and purpose reflect and instructional based program which is great but
the community should be a part of the connection. I would add the following, Provide a connection
between the school and the community.

Cicely Lewis

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