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Viewing ones personal

identity in personal
story has many
condensation about it.
Personal identity is how
on accepts his place in
society. Questions arise
on how one accepts his
identity. Is it given or
combination of personal
verse societal
influences? One of the
best and oldest identity
to explore in selfidentity is alcoholics.
Over the years people
have augured different
reasons on what and
why one is an alcoholic.
When is someone an
alcoholic? Most people
agree that is when one
behavior is based
around alcohol with
repeatedly wrongful
behavior. So, that
identity must take shape
over time leading that
person to help in the
form of A.A. During A.A.
members share
personal stories. This a
method design to help
reinforce the model that
all members are
strugglers of alcohol.
The model is design
begins the process of
self-reflection in
comparing the
underlying facts of all
personal stories. Over
time the one related to
others and gains a
model to find his
underlying reason for
drinking. By finding that
reason se reshapes his

Identity is a personal,
societal, and nature
made combination. One
can change identity by
reshaping the building
blocks of character.
Through time spend in

I like that you use the

word building blocks
because one of Cains
ideas is that we construct
identity. Sometimes we
do this intentionally (I
want to be seen as smart)
and other times we build
it through
membershipping with a
group and its
philosophies. It seems
with AA, people build that
identity through the
personal story. It makes
me wonder though about
people who are just really
perceptive or good
talkers. Can they key into
the story and tell it the
way that AA wants
without truly believing it
or acting on it?
Who defines wrongful
behavior? Does it change
by community? Would
drinking actions be read
differently in college? In
high school? As a 40 year
You note that the story
helps the drinker find the
reason behind their
drinking and their
problem. So it seems like
they might have all these
experiences, but they
wouldnt necessarily label
something as their rock
bottom until they have
heard others stories
enough times to reinforce
the idea.
Can you think of any
other community that

identity in becoming a
reformed alcoholic.

uses personal stories to

understand their
identity? This makes me
think about professional
athletes. Sometimes
when I watch one being
interviewed, I feel like
their words are
interchangeable with
another professional
athlete. Now, perhaps
that is dismissive of me,
but I feel like they echo
the same stories. Is that
because the journey to
being a professional
athlete is the same or is it
because theyve been
taught to see their career
and self through the
same aspects as everyone
Can you construct
yourself through
language? Through a
Is begin, the same as
Yes, telling is the
reinforcement of
accusation to a group of
being. By sharing ones
though and experience
with a group that
indemnifies with one.
Therefore he becomes
part of that groups. They
are now connecting on
some level. That is the
same as being.
Connection is the path to
explore groups

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