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What is Literature?

books and writings published on a particular subject.

"the literature on environmental epidemiology
synonyms: publications, published writings, texts, reports, studies, relevant

written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic

"a great work of literature"

Theoretical background

Compulsory reading

History of the English Language

A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur

Conan Doyle

An overview of literature until the

20th century
Society and culture

Different formats and editions

Some questions for next Monday:
When was it written?

How do we call that specific period of time?

What were the characteristics of that era?

When was language invented?

When was writing invented?

It is generally agreed that true
writing of language (not only
numbers) was invented
independently in at least two
places: Mesopotamia (specifically,
ancient Sumer) around 3200 BCE
and Mesoamerica around 600 BCE

From which language did the romance languages evolve?

Vulgar Latin
One main European language family is the Italic (popularly called
Romance). This consists of the modern languages derived from Latin:
Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, French, Italian and Romanian

What are the origins of the English language?

Although many words in English are of Latin and French origin, English is a
Germanic language.

How languages evolve

How did English evolve?

(local videos)

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