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Braslia is one of the cities that most attracts people in Brazil, and has the higher

population density too.

It also has the highest per capita income and Human Development Index (HDI) in the
country, and because our population consumes and buy a lot, and Brasilia is a big area
of commerce and services in our region, we end up producing a large amount of
garbage, what overload the only Garbage dump in the city, the one called Lixo da
Lixo da Estrutural is considered the largest garbage dump in Latin America, and has a
big problem to process all this garbage , that contaminate the soil and the potable
water that is in the ground and provides 27% of the drinkable water of the city.
To fix it the government has tried to capacitate the collector of recycling material in the
area, and has started a program of selective collect in almost all the city, trying to
improve the quality of life in Brasilia, but a lot of actions, as the closing of this garbage
dump, and the conscientization of the entire population.

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