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The Thinkers Games 1

Creative Writing: The Thinkers Games

Chapter 1: Harrison (New Jersey)
The New York City lights shine down upon me and ninety-nine others. Two from
each state. One boy and girl. Selected not by a lottery; not by a leader of society. All
for special talents. Soccer players. Mathematicians. Scientists. Writers. It is a game of
strategy and survival. My heart pounds like a herd of buffaloes, and I gasp for air in the
chilly midnight air.
Im starting to sweat profusely. The heat isnt making this happen. Nerves are.
I stand beside a girl of my age, 16. Her bright blue eyes stare directly into the
darkness that clouds the urban skyline, and her face is solemn. Her name is Lizzy.
(We met each other about five minutes ago.) She then looks at me and gives me a shy
smile, and I know she is nervous. Soon the horn will blare with a resounding echo and
all one hundred of us will be pushed off into the depths of the world, relying on our
will to make it out champions. We will be submerged in the thoughts of our confusion
and fear, but we will be left with no choice but to keep on moving.
My legs are acting as if they want to wobble off of my knee caps.
Each one of us varies in age from three to seventeen. Left with only a $100 bill,
we must manage our budget and try to search for food and shelter. Every day, the
Thinkers will present us with a new challenge. This group of adult extraordinaires
could tell us that we must find a contestant from a new state to team up with and
replace our hometown friend. We could be told that all nearby restaurants are closed
and we have to eat from the dumpster. We could be told to sleep in the middle of
Times Square for at least ten hours. The objective of the game is to outsmart your
opponents using intelligent navigation, communication, and endurance skills.
This anticipation is killing me.
Of course, I mentioned the word survival earlier. No one will be killing each
other, or dying. Well, anything could happen but...thats not common.
If you surrender, or you fail to make enough money for the day ($75 is the
minimum), or you get lost for more than half a day, or you cross state borders, youre
eliminated. The one catch: if you lose, youre homeless. Seriously. Youre a homeless
child living on the streets of New York. (I remember the coordinator of the games had
gesticulated to the view from the window during the orientation, where barren streets
sat in front of the wonderful architecture of The Empire State.) And if you are the last
one standing, you win a grand total of $1 million. And a free college education to
whichever university you would like to attend. Im not kidding. This is all real, people.
I feel my left eye twitching.
Oh, and I forgot...were all orphans. Thats why we have no guardians to come
home to if we lose. Thats why the stakes are so high.
My hands are shaking.
When I first found out that I was forced to play in this game, I was pretty much
the furthest thing from feeling reluctance. In fact, I felt as if my stomach was a

The Thinkers Games 2

balloon, and it was filled to its limits with ebullience. Unfortunately, that balloon feels
as if it is slowly sinking now and is on the verge of popping, but what can I do?
I suddenly need to go to the bathroom. Sorry if that was too much information.
That caps off all of my current musings. My brain is caught in a tumult of
randomness until it goes blank. I cant think any more.
Contestants...ten seconds! The loudspeakers of NYC give me the news I have
been dreading for about an hour now. I proffer my hand for Lizzy to hold, and she
gives it a quick squeeze. I blush. But no time for hidden feelings. I hear an internal
clock ticking in my head. My heart stops. In the split second I have left, I glance at the
line of kids to my left and right, and close my eyes. Time is freezing. My muscles are
starting to
GO! The announcer shrieks in my ear and his bellow swallows up my sanity,
making my heart and lungs indignant with my mental state, yelling at me to go. With
no choice left but to run, I sprint as fast as I can, not paying any attention to my
surroundings. I turn a sharp corner, and clamber over a pile of garbage in the
alleyway. I can hear someone on my tail, but I pay them no mind. My legs are propelling
my body forward, not stopping until I reach a dark corner. I duck beneath the porch of
a beatup blue house, the paint peeling off the walls. Then, I hear footsteps. I will my
lungs to stop moving, and everything stops. About thirty seconds into holding my
breath, I see a guys shoes moving under the porch. His shoes stop, and point in my
My heart skips a beat.
The guys knees bend, and he leans down. He slowly descends and kneels
down on the cement sidewalk. His head comes down and...
He sees me.
His faces is originally expressing enmity, most likely to show off his ferocity and
fearlessness. However, his eyes light up when he recognizes my face.
Harrison? Is that really you, buddy? he asks with wide eyes of surprise.
And in that moment, I recognize him, too.
Chapter 2: Austin (Texas)
I put on my best game face and duck underneath the porch of a house that is
not in the best condition, to say the least. Expecting to see darkness, I am appalled
when I see the face of a teenage boy. But its not just any face.
Its familiar.
I feel incredulity start to creep up my neck.
Its the face of Harrison, my former neighbor and best friend before he moved
to the Jersey Shore.
Harrison? Is that really you, buddy? I look at him in a different light, taking note
of how much he has changed since fifth grade. His green eyes stare at me in a
moment of confusion, and then he knows his mind is not deceiving him.

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Austin? He grins from ear to ear and crawls out from under the porch. Harrison
wipes off some detritus and leaf fronds that stick to his T-shirt. We bring it in for a
quick embrace and then slap five. Weve grown up so much since the last time we
saw each other, and I still cannot believe my eyes. I want to ask Harrison about how
hes been when he breaks up my thoughts.
We need to hide. Theres people coming. When they find out theres an
abandoned house on this street, everyone will be dashing for shelter. I nod and we
scramble up the porch to the doorway. I cant believe our luck when the door squeaks
open. We make our way into the front hallway and then shove the door closed. All of
the blinds are shut but the door does not have a lock. A thrifty sofa scowls in the right
corner of the first room, so we pick it up and force it to guard the front entryway. Then
Harrison and I release a simultaneous sigh and collapse on the couch.
Well, now that we found shelter for the night, we should really get some
sleep, I whisper, not wanting the outsiders to catch my voice. It is crucial to keep your
strategy safe from the ears of other competitors.
Yeah, man. Im gonna see whats upstairs...maybe a mattress or another sofa?
Good idea, I run up the stairs with Harrison and we find a single room that is
tucked into a corner. Even though there is nothing to be scared of, my hands are
sweating as we walk into the dark space. Harrison fumbles for the light switch on the
wall and flicks it on.
The room is completely bare with the exception of a small pedestal resting
under a myriad of colored lights that are festooned across the ceiling.
This is so...
Weird. I finish Harrisons sentence and we look at each other, confused.
Harrison strolls over to the pedestal and sits down. The dark wood creaks as if
chastising him for hurting the seat, so Harrison quickly stands up.
Well, I guess were going to have to fight over the couch downstairs, I say.
Rock, paper, scissors? Harrison asks with a smirk.
Its on. We count to three and he puts out rock and I put out scissors.
I win! he announces victoriously. I laugh, but I am also slightly envious of his
position. We head down to the first floor and Harrison dives on the couch. I take a spot
on the rugged carpet where the door-guarding couch used to be, and try to snuggle
up as best as I can.
An impalpable ghost wakes me from my sleep about three hours after I retired
for the night, and I am trying to close my eyes once again when a loud knock bangs
four times on the front door. Harrison jolts awake and clutches his heart silently. I
definitely understand his pain, for I would have had a heart attack if I was sleeping an
inch from the disturbance. Harrison creeps over to the window with the blinds and
sneaks a peek.

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Its a girl, should we let her in? I shake my head initially, but when I look out the
window I am in reverence. An attractive blond girl flips her hair on the doorstep, and I
am caught in a trance.
Maybe Ill reconsider. I hope Harrison did not pay any attention to my
embarrassing moment, and judging by his expression I think his mind is already
preoccupied. Harrison nods and we lug the couch a few feet so we can open the
door. When we look out the crack that the door allows us to see out of, the blond girls
shining blue eyes seize my field of vision, and she beams.
Are you boys going to leave me in the cold like this? she asks, batting her
eyelashes and then giggles.
Of course not! I answer, and we slide out of the way so she can make her way
into the shack. Once the girl steps inside, we slam the door shut once more and motion
for her to help us to move the couch back into its place. Harrison motions for us to
come into the space where the sofa once sat. We kneel down on the carpet and the
blond girl sticks out her hand. I notice she is wearing turquoise nail polish.
Hi, Im Salina, she says. And trust me, I have no intention to hurt any of your
games. I just wanted an alliance. I see Harrison out of the corner of my eye and he
gives a small thumbs-up.
So do you guys want to be the team of domination in The Thinkers Games? I
am amazed that Salina has this much confidence in two people she literally just met,
and I am compelled to accept her as part of our group.
Totally. Harrison speaks for me, and we smile at each other.
We just became one person stronger in this competition.
Chapter 3: Salina (Kansas)
So do you guys want to be the team of domination in The Thinkers Games? I
ask, anxious about their decision.
Totally. My heart skips a beat and my tremulousness vanishes like a rabbit
under a magicians hat. I am back to being confident in myself.
Cool guys! Glad to be part of the team! They look to be impressed with my
social skills, and I am really happy that this is all going well. I was originally running
down the streets all by myself until I came across this house, and I noticed the door
was closed so I knocked. I knew that I could win the boys over because of my looks, so
my plan went accordingly. Now all I have to do is win these games!
So Salina, we were just catching some rest, says Austin. Theres a room upstairs
that you can sleep in if you want to but Im gonna get some shut eye.
Okay, cool! Thanks, boys. Just a heads up weve got to go find a job tomorrow
so we should get an early start! An abrupt feeling of contempt passes through my
veins as I think about Lawrence, who was the other representative from The Sunflower
State and shoved me out of the way when the announcer screamed at us to get
I brush these thoughts away until they are inaudible, and I head up the stairs to
get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a very important day.

The Thinkers Games 5

I wake up when orange light streams through the crack in the wooden flooring, so I
charge downstairs and find the boys talking furtively on the couch by the door. They
stop when I enter the space and Harrisons face flushes.
Hey, Salina! Ready to get going today? Austin asks cheerfully, as if impervious
to the awkward moment that just occurred. I ignore the shady conversation and
respond politely.
Yeah, ready to get started! Ready for some job interviews? Weve gotta be
raking in at least $225 today to stay in the game.
Wow...that seems like an absurd amount of money, but were going to have to
put our interpersonal skills to the test, says Harrison. Austin nods his head in
What time is it, Austin? I ask.
3:53 a.m.
Well, 3:53 sounds alright to me for an interview! I smile and Austin blushes. I
know he has some feelings for me but I cant feel the same way when cynicism starts
to occupy my mind. I bet they only brought me along for my appearance so they could
have some assistance with their job requests.
We head out the door and step onto the cracked concrete of the New York
streets. We traverse through blocks of urban skyscrapers and highrises, and I enjoy
every minute of the scenery. It is not often that a Kansas orphan can escape the
miseries of a Midwestern foster home for the bright lights of the Big Apple. If I had not
had good grades this past year in school, my mom and dad would have rebuked
the idea of me participating in this competition. But because of the tremendous
opportunities that await the victor of this competition, they reluctantly let me go.
I am surprised that I do not see more kids running around looking for a job that
can cover them for the day. Since this is the first day of The Thinkers Games,
companies will know to give us a little leniency on the application process and let us
work for them on easier standards. Then again, its 4 a.m.
Harrison, Austin and I pass by a financial building and a restaurant before we
find a clothing store called Edwards & Edwards Fine Retail that is surrounded by panes
of modern glass. The guys keep walking, but I tap them on their shoulders.
Hey boys, Im going to stop here...are you going to come with me?
They look at each other and Harrison bites his lip.
We may have to part ways here, Salina. I think we have different interests in
mind, Harrison says. While Harrison is the one to deliver the news as if they shared the
same opinion, Austin is more hesitant.
I think we should stay with Salina, he says. Harrison looks bewildered.
Buddy, I really think we should
Im staying here. Austin gets red in the face but stands firmly on the side of the

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Meanwhile, I cant believe what Im seeing. Maybe this is what they were talking
about this morning until I came into the room. I glance at Austin but I look away quickly. I
dont want him to catch me staring. Im not sure how I feel, but a connection is starting
to form between us like wildfire.
Suddenly, I see Austin lean in my direction and then I feel his lips on mine. He
kisses me! When he pulls away, I gasp. Could this be a rivalry turned into star-crossed
Harrison gapes. He then looks at Austin with an uncompromising expression.
Fine. Ill leave you two lovebirds alone. I thought we were friends, Austin! Youre
going to leave me in the dust just like that?
Im not rejecting you! You can totally come with
No, Im over it. The old Austin I knew would not have kissed a girl after knowing
her for 5 hours! He would have followed my lead like he used to! Have fun being
loners. And just like that, he turns on his heel and runs off in the other direction.
Didnt I say that I invited him to I interrupt him.
You did. Hes over it. Lets move on. Hopefully that dude cant find a job today. I
pull him in for a lightning-quick hug and my cheeks change color. This relationship is
moving like a freight train, and Im actually okay for it to keep going this way. I have
respect for Austin now after he displayed such bravado to ditch his longtime friend.
When one journey ends, another begins.
And Austin and I are starting that new journey toward success in this competition.
Good luck, Harrison.
Chapter 4: Orlando (Florida)
As I head up to the front desk to apply for my position at Edwards & Edwards Fine
Retail, I am disgusted to see a couple come in together. Or are they a couple? Either
way, I think individual strategy is the only fair way to determine the winner of this
competition. Whats the point of working with another player if only one of you can
win? I feel like having a partner or a group will be inimical to your game in the long run,
so why make friends? I have separated myself from any other nasty creatures that
could come across my path, and the thought of joining forces is so ludicrous that I
start to snicker. I make eye contact with the store owner, hoping that I can beat these
two fools for the first spot of working for the retail company.
Hello, young man! What can I do for you today? asks an older man who is
probably in his seventies with really dorky reading glasses around his neck. He has an
oblong face too, which makes him that much more unenjoyable to look at or talk to, for
that matter. I know this is all a setup. I know the New York City government placed
employees at all of the stores and facilities within the game boundaries to act their
part. This man is just another pawn in their plot.
Dude, can I have an application? I have no desire to propitiate this man with
any form of kindness. Why should I treat this man with respect if I know Im going to
beat two losers for a job position, anyway?

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Young man, step aside. This grandpa motions me to assimilate to the rest of
the line by waiting.
But I was first
Step aside, he says through gritted teeth. If this man is going to mess around
me like this, I dont care how old he is. Hes going down.
Hey, hey! You wanna go?! I shove the man with two hands and he falls back,
only to catch his balance. I let out a cry of ululation and try to charge at the man
again, but I am grabbed from behind by two sets of strong hands. This is the furthest
thing from being ensconced in a hug. This is physical, aggressive contact that I do not
appreciate. I yell out again and smash my head into the kids forehead behind me who
is holding my left arm. He howls in pain, and I roar ferociously, going for another blow
ORLANDO have been disqualified. I repeat: ORLANDO
have been disqualified. Security, please remove this gentleman from the course. The
speaker talks in an irritatingly calm voice, and I feel the hands that were originally
holding on to me slip away. Just when I am about to escape and parry further
confrontation, a pair of hands two times the size of the other ones seize my arms in a
tight grip that I could compare to Gorilla Glue. My muscles and bones shriek like they
were thrown into a hearth, and I have no choice but to let all of my agony out in one
loud scream. They rip me from my roots in the ground and tear toward the door. I am
led outside and shoved into the back of the trunk, and the door slams shut on my right
ankle. It crunches, and I holler, so they yank my ankle from the line of the door and ram
it into the bottom of the opening. The door is sealed shut, and I suddenly start to feel
dizzy. I check my ankle and it is bloody and bent at an abnormal angle. I want to throw
up. Just when I am about to black out, I make an obscene gesture toward the store
owner from the back of the trunk.
He nods and waves.

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