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perspecctive writing on an Earthquake survivor

It is 9:00 in the morning here, in the lovely town of Christchurch in

New Zealand. My name is John and this is where I live. I know that
New Zealand is extremely prone to earthquakes and its not
uncommon here. I was walking down the street to work when the
ground started to shake vigorously people were running to nearby
buildings trying to take refuge I bolted down the street passing the
historic church of Christchurch it had nearly crumbled suddenly I
saw my chance I sprinted to a nearby caf just in time.

Inside the caf were many people in total shock and panic the
ground was still shaking inside cups and glasses smashed on the
ground. I took refuge under what seemed to be a strong caf table
and then suddenly it happened. The caf roof finally gave way and
huge sheets of plaster, came tumbling down and rubble fell
everywhere. I fainted.

7 Hours later
When I opened my eyes I had realised the earthquake was over.
There was no shaking and it was eerily quiet. I was pinned under the
hard marble table, I couldnt get free. I panicked. Will I die?. I yelled
to see if there were any other survivors in the caf .silence. I soon
thought that I would die of starvation. I soon decided would get
some rest.

3 Hours later

I woke to the ear piercing sound of a drill cutting through the rubble
in the caf I screamed and yelled hoping someone would save me
suddenly a man pulled me from the rubble laid me on the stretcher
he took my pulse and soon we were out of the caf outside it was
hard to notice that had once walked down this street men were
discussing how the death toll was 60 and rising the historic church

I will never forget that day when Christchurch shook.

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