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July Tatiana Gonzalez
Technology in business management

1. What would the product or service be?

If we exported a product , we would export shoes.
We chose this product because of their characteristics, are for daily use and are very important to

Product characteristics

Shoes for the entire family

Shoes for men, women and children.
We have a product line of boots, tennis, formal shoes.
They are innovative and very high quality designs.

2. If you had the possibility to export your product or

service, which country would you export it to? why?

If we exported our product, could be the US, which is

an excellent opportunity to start our international
market, it is a country with the offer we need to
succeed with the product.

3. Why do you think you would be sucesful wit

this business idea?

If we export our product, this business idea will succeed in the

market, is an idea with innovative products, unique designs,
quality, this product is tailored to the needs of customers, the main
thing is to give a quality product for customers.

4. How you woulb be contributing to Colombians

economy with this idea?

If we exported our product, we would be interested in contributing

to the economy of Colombia offering quality products, providing
security and commitment to customers.
And leaving our country in a very high position in the export.

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