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Year 13 First Eight Weeks Back


Blog checks and feedback cant go into groups until done put into groups go through criteria track pitching to groups evaluation of
individual strengths and weaknesses production diary blog everything discussed and learnt
Best ideas presentation to class blog what everyone thought of ideas final decision and why
watch student videos www/ebi and give marks upload similar genre student videos

genre research similar videos website research of similar artists/research of similar covers
Create group timetable of availability
Look at how to get a level four for research and planning
Lip synching task

Group meetings about final idea for video discuss with others
Timeline with annotated lyrics
List of props needed, locations, days available for filming
Begin storyboard
Complete storyboard film and upload with voiceover explaining whats going to happen
Shooting schedule
Begin filming
Risk assessments
Start planning website and cd cover design


Group assessments what could go wrong in filming? How to avoid? self assessments strengths and weaknesses
Keep uploading videos that inspire and analysing them pro and student
Upload evidence of filming
Website and Digipak

Filming and Editing blog every stage group pictures reflect on whats gone well as well as disasters
Filming and Editing
By end of Half Term all initial filming should be complete - some re-shoots may be needed after half term but from now all editing

Year 13 First Eight Weeks Back

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