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com shimon-ilana gewirtz

( )Re: Aunt Rozzie
19:44 2014 27


Hi: This e-mail is from my nephew...worth including on the web-site. Shim

On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Martin Gewirtz <> wrote:

Dear Aunt Channy, Uncle Shimmy, Uncle Artie, and Uncle Abby,

I just learned last night that your sister - my aunt - Rozzie ( )has passed and I am very sad this
Thanksgiving day, though grateful that she was a part of our lives. Please know my heart, prayers and
thoughts are with you all. She was a wonderful and loving aunt to me and, as you all were, in these
later years,was an incredible support for my parents. Her humor, love, and embodiment of music was
such a special gift to all of us and enriched our lives beyond limits. Her songs and melodies will always
be with me. Her smiles, laughter, ability to let go - and lighten up a room - are forever a blessing. As all
have you been blessed with seeing your children and grandchildren (and in some cases great-greatchildren) grow up, thank G-d she was able to witness and love her grandchildren with her extraordinary
presence, and give all she could to her brothers and sisters during her lifetime - as well as to those of us
who are your nieces and nephews.
I am saddened by her loss and wish you all, and your families, strength in the coming days.
As my mother used to end her correspondence, I "wrap you all in hugs."
With love,

------------------------------------------mobile: 347-255-5690

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