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Powell 1

Harry L. Powell
Professor Dabian Witherspoon
English Composition 102 -01
3 December 2014
Reflective Narrative
During the duration of this English course I was able to learn a lot about myself. I have
gained and learned many ways on how I can improve my writing when it comes down to my
essay and other assignments. My overall experience for this course was successful because of the
personal goals that I wanted to achieve while in this course, the feedback I received from my
individual papers helped my writing out greatly. We were required to write three essay, a
Narrative, Cause and Effect, and Expository essay. The important fact about these essay was that
they made us think about what we had to write about. The essay topic were difficult and in order
for my paper to be well organized my ideas and supporting details had to be clear and effective.
Reflecting back, the essay I had trouble with the most was the cause and effect essay, my
approach was weak, there were grammatical errors and sentence fragments all throughout the
paper. Even though the cause and effect essay was my worst my best essay was the narrative
essay. It was important to me because this was the very first essay of the class. My topic and
ideas were clear, I had supporting details to back up my ideas and the resources that was giving
to us from our professor helped with the completion of this essay. Another suggestion he
mentioned to us was to take full advantage of the writing center. I believe if I had used this
resource on my cause and effect essay and my expository essay then my overall performance for
the paper would have been much greater. To end the semester I believed I became a better writer
and thinker.

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