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Journal of Archaeological Science (1994) 21, 1 Editorial Over the past several years, the flow of high-quality manuscripts to the Journal of Archaeological Science has increased significantly. While this is gratifying testimony to the health of archaeological science and to the value of the JAS as @ publication medium, it has also produced a growing backlog of accepted, but unpublished, ‘manuscripts. By mid-1993, the lag between acceptance and publication had grown to more than 13 months, and some remedial action was clearly required. The result is the enlarged Ad double-column format you see before you. ‘Combined with an increase in the planned number of pages per volume, it will allow us to publish roughly 40% more in 1994 than we published in 1993, and we anticipate that the publication lag will soon be reduced to just a few months. In addition, we believe that the enlarged format is more readable, and it also allows for more flexibility in the size and placement of illustrations. We hope you will join us in wishing JAS continuing success in its new format. The Editors 0305-4403/947010001 +01 $08.00/0 © 1994 Academic Press Limited

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