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Tezuki ooao00 atoetes Architecture Catalogue SIR IG + FR LL 2engo0F Takaharu + Yui Tezuka Architecture Catalogue SiR + FURL | #8907 Photography: Katsuhisa Kida PEE REECE EEE EEE EEE ee Constancy Constancy is important for an architect. Recently, we are often asked what kind of architecture we want to make next. We always answer that we do not know. One style of being an architect is to declare a manifesto and then undertake real work, but we want to be architects who talk via our real work. If we were to include fantasies in our publications, then the fantasies themselves would become real and begin to restiain us. We want to be able to respond to demands and inputs. Even if we are unable to change, the inputs that occur during real work are highly thought provoking. The world of real projects is broad and deep. The demands and varied conditions of real work are the motive power that impels our changes. We want to make gradual progress by responding to inputs. We want to be original, but we are not skilful enough to produce originality just through wild guesses, Originality is painstaking accumulation. t emerges gradually as the real work accumulates. Originality cannot be learned. The answer lies within each individual person. The creative act is a personal quest. The answer will not appear today or tomorrow. It existe fifty years or a hundred years in the future. In our monographs we publish nothing except realized works, or projects that will be soon completed, The sole exception is the Cherry Blossom House, which was included in the first volume. Compared with the previous book, this monograph includes many drawings of details. Details comprise the history of our battles. Beyond the photographic images, we now want to show what happens backstage, Takaharu + Yui Tezuka ses eUce BRC Lo THDSRUCEGAITHS, BERT EDLD CMEC VRUPEOS MM EB SOEWG., LOL ERA DPN REALBA BLEU TOS, MBRELTV= 7 EAHEMBLVI TM SRPERTTS DEVE ARAWCHEH, HAELTAR CH ERER THN EVE BOTS, PEHMRMCMML TLRS L, SME LOBA IHRE LOT RAEWRUINSS, Re RBRPADC LOT SETH ILOEBOTO Bo RAPRDS LULL TCE, ROL DEL CORAM ACN, RBOT OS 27 OWE IRL, IRD ELI DSR PRA EET RAD RCEMURDSRMATHS, R4LADCRGLTS VF BTS ETON IV, BALAYIFNTEU RUE BS TOSI AUIIU FI RUDE THAME SER ALM CIEL, FU IFUF 1 D DRAB TH. REM BIDLFOLENTK Bo AUIFUF 1 EST EUTERO, DRLATNTAOBAOHESS. OMELET LCS, MLSE PHACRN GL, SOE IOOFRORR CHET S. BALHAM CRP BUBEGE CRRTS IOS 27 HU SBM LEU ECL TUG. MO BIT BCMME NTS [HEROR)] OTH S. SMO AMMEN S ORMMEME TOS. HMR AOR OME TSS, BMOCA-F EMA LMAMESHRERE LAU. Ea + Fe

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