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Curse of Life

The end of the tunnel you slowly near,

Numbed by pain you've lost your fear,
Struggling with the beast within,
Everyone must pay for their sins,
Life itself, a hollow quest,
Fueled by the eternal desire for conquest,
A beast hidden by a white veil,
To mask the hatred that prevails.
A vain desire to make a mark,
Every man plays his part,
The world seems a beautiful stage,
A tragedy, he is unable to gauge,
The purpose of life is existence,
To suffer its duration with pleasant pretence,
Grimacing inside with the passing time,
Conscience pricking him to walk the line
And as the end draws nearer,
When it all should seem clearer,
The light seems to grow distant,
Darkness cradles him like an infant,
A slow realization that it's all deception,
Time to escape the shackles of creation,
The bitter aftertaste of violence and strife,
Free himself from the curse of life.

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