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Virus Model Rubric

1. Structures that must be in your model with labels: (5 points)

a. Genetic material (DNA or RNA)
b. Protein coat
2. Describe the functions of each structure in your model (5 points)
3. Accuracy of the model (5 points)

Virus Paper Rubric

1. 1 page double spaced, 12 point, times new roman font (3 points)

2. Minimum 3 sources w/ citations- no Wikipedia! (2 points)
3. The following questions are addressed in the paper: (30 points)
a. Describe structure of the virus (5)
b. What organisms the virus infects (5)
c. The body parts that are attacked (5)
d. The disease/illness the virus causes (5)
e. How the virus is spread from organism to organism. (5)
f. Interesting facts/relevant history (5)

Bacteria Model Rubric

1. Structures that must be in your model with labels: (5 points)

a. Cell wall
b. Plasma membrane
c. Cytoplasm
d. Ribosomes
e. Genetic material
f. Flagella (if necessary)
2. Describe the functions of each structure in you model (5 points)
3. Accuracy of the model (5 points)

Bacteria Paper Rubric

1. 1 page double spaced, 12 point, times new roman font (3 points)

2. Minimum 3 sources w/ citations- no Wikipedia! (2 points)
3. The following questions are addressed in the paper: (30 points)
a. Describe structure of the bacterial cell (5)
b. What organisms the bacteria found in? (5)
c. The body parts that area affected (5)
d. The disease/illness the bacteria causes or the benefits of having the bacteria
e. How the bacteria is spread from organism to organism.(5)
f. Interesting facts/relevant history (5)

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