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Professional and Extra-Curricular Activities

February 26th, 2014- Assisted on a 1st Grade Field Trip to Sci-Tech at the
Frisco Discovery Center

March 27th, 2014 Joined the ATPE professional organization

August 18th-22nd, 2014: Staff Development Week at Boyd Elementary- I

attended the Allen ISD Convocation. In the meetings at the elementary school I
learned about CFAs, Assessing STAAR data on Lead4Ward, the 4th grade Writing
STAAR test, DRAs and iStation for progress monitoring, and Boyd Elementary
tiered intervention process. I also assisted teachers with classroom set up,
organization, and lesson planning.

August 21st, 2014: Meet the Teacher Night at Boyd Elementary- I helped set up
and decorate bulletin boards in preparation. I assisted at the hotdog dinner
fundraiser. I greeted students and families.

September 25th, 2014 Curriculum Night at Boyd Elementary- I helped organize

and get the room ready and greeted parents and students.

September 29th, 2014 Staffing meeting for a special education student at

Boyd Elementary- Our diagnostician called the meeting. The resource teachers,
case manager, and DT teacher all attended. I really enjoyed this meeting! It was
great to watch everyone communicating and collaborating to work to give the
student what would be most helpful to her education.

October 7th, 2014 Staffing Meeting at Boyd Elementary- Students general

education teachers, the resource teachers, the case manager, and the principal
discussed disciplinary issues and the best learning environment for a particular
student. Again, I enjoyed watching teachers and administrators communicate and

October 13th, 2014 Staff development meeting at Boyd Elementary- I learned

about incorporating critical writing in all content areas. The rest of the day was
spent for team planning, and preparing activities for the rest of the week.

November 5th, 2014 Spelling UIL at Boyd Elementary- I passed out the sign up
sheet and helped grade spelling tests.

November 14th, 2014 Homework Club at Boyd Elementary: I led homework club
assisting about seven students with completing homework and make-up work for
math and ELA.

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