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By Alicia and Nicolla

The Dutch Governor-General Anthony Van Diemen found
Tasmania but totally missed Australia.
Dutchman Willem Jansz and his ship Duyfken explored the
Western Coast of Cape York Peninsula and were the first
Europeans to see the Australian aboriginals.
42 thousand BC: aboriginals engravings are found in south

Australia dating back to this time.

Aboriginals made spears using Tecoma vines.
A boomerang is used for lots of different things but mostly

hunting and fighting.

Coastal tribes used fish bones to sharpen their weapons.


Most aboriginals harvested seeds of native

The aboriginals use to eat kangaroo, dead

animals, insects and berries
Aboriginals use do drink water out of rivers.


Traditional Aboriginal food, or Bush Tucker, includes everything from
nuts, seeds and fruits to wild game and fish including emu, kangaroo and other
unique Aussie flavours. With so many ingredients to choose from, Aboriginal

people were masters at hunting and gathering their food from their bush food
supermarket - the natural environment.
in many cases you can actually have the opportunity to do it yourself!
Savour traditional delights such as mud crab, magpie goose, barramundi,
kangaroo and for the gastronomically brave, the iconic witchetty grub.

Aboriginals made their humpy's out of pliable cane or
branches lashed together.
Humpies are used as common shelters for the koori people
of Victoria. It is used as shelter for wet weather and to sleep
in. Humpies are used all year round but they can be modified
during the year for hot and cold conditions.

In the Torres strait islands, houses were a distinctive bee hive shaped constructed of
thatched grass over a framework of bamboo poles lashed together.
Humpies can be made out of anything that is found around were it is or was being
Eg. Wood, Logs, Sticks, Rocks, woven reeds and anything else that is wanted or found
nearby. It is built very simple so that it doesn't take long to rebuild if it is damaged or

The aboriginals believed in dreamtime stories. Dreamtime is a
word first used by a European in the early 1900s. He used this
word to describe all mystical period's of aboriginal beginnings.

Humpies have been around for hundreds of years by

aboriginals, white settlers and even by people camping but they are
defiantly a very efficient way to get shelter and fast.

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