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Fisiologi Konduksi Jantung

SA Node
Small, flattened, ellipsoid strip of specialized
cardiac muscle
Sinus nodal fibers connect directly with the
atrial muscle fibers
The cell membranes of the sinus fibers are
naturally leaky to sodium and calcium ions
(lbh permeabel) Pacemaker

AV Node
Delay 0,016s ; allows time for the atria to
empty their blood into the ventricles before
ventricular contraction begins
It is primarily the A-V node and its adjacent
conductive fibers that delay this transmission
into the ventricles
Knp delay? diminished numbers of gap
junction between successive cells in the
conducting pathways

AV Bundle
A special characteristic of the A-V bundle is
the inability, except in abnormal states, of
action potentials to travel backward from the
ventricles to the atria
Atrial muscle is separated from the ventricular
muscle by a continuous fibrous barrier sbg

Purkinje System
Rapid transmission
caused by a very high level of permeability of
the gap junctions at the intercalated discs
between the successive cells
Distal portion of the A-V bundle passes
downward in the ventricular septum, then the
bundle divides into left and right bundle
The ends of the Purkinje fibers penetrate about
one third the way into the muscle mass and
finally become continuous with the cardiac
muscle fibers

Sinus Node
70 to 80 times per minute
A-V nodal fibers 40 to 60 times per minute
Purkinje fibers 15 and 40 times per minute
Discharge rate of the sinus node is
considerably faster than the natural selfexcitatory discharge rate of either the A-V
node or the Purkinje fibers.

Pengaruh Saraf Otonom

Parasimpatis SA node, AV node, sdkt
dinding atrium dan ventrikel.
Stimulation acetylcholine to be released
permeabilitas menurun konduksi menurun
Simpatis seluruh bagian jantung, paling
banyak di dinding ventrikel.
Stimulation NE to be released
Permeabilitas meningkat konduksi
meningkat, penghantaran lebih cepat.

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