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Constipations Clinical Manifestations

Constipation is an abnormal infrequency or irregularity of defecation , abnormal hardening of stool that

makes their passage difficult and sometimes painful. A decreased in stool volume, or retention of stool in
the rectum for a prolonged period.
Clinical manifestation of constipation include fewer than three bowels movement per week; abdominal
distention; pain and pressure; decreased appetite; headache; fatigue; in digestion; a sensation of
incomplete evacuation; straining at stools. When you are constipated, you have bowel movements that
are hard, dry and difficult or painful to pass. You may also only pass small amounts of stool in small
pieces at one time. Constipation is caused by food moving too slowly through the colon, or it can occur
when the colon absorbs too much water from digested food as it forms waste products.
As seen in the client, constipation is his chief concern, he has signs and symptoms regarding
constipation. According to the client he is having difficulty eliminating but still he is defecating every
morning usually between 8am and 9am, he stated araw-araw naman pero pinipilit ko, matigas ung dumi
ko sa tuwing dumudumi ako. his stool was dry, hard and he only pass small amount of stool. The client
verbalized sumasakit nga yung likod ko sa kapipilit dumumi eh , this only shows that he has pain in the
lower segment of the body upon defecating. We can observe in the clients face his concern on his

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