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Song of the Day

Earthquake jolted my home

Alas! I lost my only room
Why my house did fall down?
And then was there just ruin
Badly constructed was the house
UN H made me duly known
How to build I was told
Friendly people made me bold
All the family gathered there
Social mobilizers came where
We were told about good and bad
Happy were people who were sad
Then we saw Technical experts
Red people with blue shirts
Artisans were given BTT
By people, full of sincerity
We can find the Info. Kiosks
They are working on multi tasks
We are told about everything
That is for us encouraging
Sub engineers have own goal
They are playing a good role
To every village they have to go
Whether there is sun or snow
We have houses called compliant
Experts have checked every point
My house is seismic resistant
And I am now very pleasant

By: Asif Masood Raja

A.J.K Pakistan

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