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My name is Jocelle Dela Cruz, a law student in Polytechnic University of the Philippines and the author of the blog

"The Legally
Blunt". I was born on a hazy day of August 23, 1991. I have small yet tantalizing eyes, aquiline nose, fair complexion and an
average built of height and weight. My family and other relatives are fond of calling me Jocelle, but I prefer Jhay-cee. I grew up
in a populous yet lively neighborhood in Tatalon, Quezon City.
I best describe myself in 3 C's -- Courageous, Capable and Crazy! I know that perfection doesn't exist in this world but I always
make sure that everything I do is out of my 100% effort because in all means, my name is at stake. I enjoy reading mystery
novels from authors like Sidney Sheldon, John Grisham and James Patterson. I am also very fond of romantic-comedy movies.
Becoming a lawyer was at first my Mom's dream for but as I go along the journey, I learned to love and claim it! I decided to put
up this blog to share how it's like to be a one hot crazy law student chic.

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