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Hampton Johnson

K. Turner
English 111 L
10 September 2014
Athlete-Coach Relationships
In todays society athletes and their coaches go hand and hand in regards to any sport. This is
true at all levels, from pee-wee all the way to professionals. However, until recently the relationships of
the athletes and coaches have never been questioned. This simple fact is brought to light in the
novel Dare Me, written by Megan Abbott, Addy a cheerleader in the novel has a questionably close
relationship with her coach. In many cases in real life just like the novel these relationships start
innocently, and are just considered bonding with ones coach or simply friendship. Day by day these
relationships morph into socially inappropriate relationships that break social normalitys. Three
questions are brought to mind while facing this topic: How far is too far in an athlete-coach relationship?,
Is it possible for a coach to simply just be a coach to his or her athletes?, and Do athletes better in their
sports if a friendly relationship is present with their coach, compared to an athlete with a coach who is
simply a coach? By answering these questions the problems behind athlete-coach relationships will be

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