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House Adventure

Ms. Deanna
Age Group: Preschool
Time: 15-20mins
Group: Small group

Children will understand what goes into familiar rooms of a home (ex: kitchen,
bedroom, living and bathroom)
Will be able to match the item to the room (ex: bed goes into bedroom)


1 white wide and long paper

Magazines (1 per child)
Scissors (1 per child)
Long Table

1. In circle time we will go over the letter H and find out what starts with the letter H. I will
share pictures of houses and that will give them the opportunity to learn that House start with
the letter H. I will then ask the children to share what they like about their house.
2. Next I will talk about children favorite room/rooms. I will ask, What do you like about it? and
what do you do in that room? Then I will introduce that we are going to make a collage of
some of the rooms in our houses.

3. I will pick four children at a time to do this activity and then they will transition to the long table.
I will have them choose what room they want to make a collage for, out of the four rooms (I will
give them a choice, ex: bathroom or living room, living room or kitchen, bedroom or bathroom).
4. Next I will spread out the white long paper on the table and place the magazines and magazine
pictures on the table. After that I will let them know that we are going to cut out the items that
goes into the rooms and we will glue the picture the paper. I will first demonstrate cutting out
the item as an example, as well as gluing.

5. As the children cut, I will ask them open ended questions, such as: What is that picture?,
Where do you see it? and What is it used for?


Have enough materials so that the children can work independently.

One child doesnt know how to cutI will identify the picture to them and scaffold them in
One child has difficulty making transitions from one area or activity to the nextI will allow him
to carry a favorite toy from one activity to the next and alert the child that transition time is
approaching and describe what will happen next.

Extension Activities:

Read a book called, A house is a home.

Create a graph for the children who lives in house or apartment and see how many lives
in a house or apartment.

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