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Ball Is Life


Intro of how my sponsors encouraged me to actually try the new

sport that I never participated in.

Background of David who motivated me to play basketball

Thesis describing the events that lead to who I am as a person now,

and how it has changed me.

Body Paragraphs

The beginning of freshman year when I was learning all the new
things about high school

The idea of how I was about to try wrestling.

Considering trying out for the team when David told me to

Meeting the kids that were going to try out too.

Body Paragraph 2

Trying out for the first time

Learning the basics of basketball

Making the team

Practicing with my teammates

Being bad at it but getting better

The motivation and determination to succeed

Body Paragraph 3

Watching the games and learning more things

David encouraging me to practice outside of team practice and

helping get better

Playing in game experience

Last Body Paragraph

The end of my first year as a basketball player in a team

Practicing more with David in the summer

When I tore my ACL

Recovering from the surgery


The impact basketball has made on my life

How David and my teammates changed how I see teamwork and


Me as a basketball player today

Me as a different person before I played basketball 5 years ago

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