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A Majestic Addiction: Script

The film begins with scenes of Maddie sitting at the train station. It then skips to
her walking through school and sitting on her own at lunch. Theres then another
scene where it skips to her home life where her mum ignores her entrance to the
house. We then see her upstairs reading a book in her room.

Maddie (monologue): Hi. Im Madison Lucy Claydon, But Maddie will do just fine.
Im a bibliophile. This isnt some unusual and sporadic mental disorder, its just a
fancy way of saying I love books. I read A LOT. My favourites include anything
from Jane Austens Emma, to Mary Shellys Frankenstein If it has words Ill read
This doesnt help me at all in real life situations.
Skips to a mid shot of Maddie and another pupil in a class.
Maddie: says intelligent long winded sentence
Class Mate: You what?
Back to monologue
My obsession has been with me as long as I remember; I believe I was reading
before I could talk. I remember one Christmas I was given this beautifully wound
book from my parents titled A Majestic Addiction. That was before mum
decided to run away with her fledgling little assistant to various exotic countries
leaving dad well lets just say I dont have much contact with either of them
than a Christmas card from mum every year. With such a messed up reality of
love, I turned to A Majestic Addition bestowed with the most amazing story of
pursuit and entrancement; too beautiful that I couldnt of even fathomed it if
tried. So yeah, I just read.
Happy Guitar music plays.
Normally, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical intensity,
and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back
together unless and until all living humans read the book.

Then there are books, which you can't tell people about, books so special and
rare and yours that advertising your affection feels like betrayal.
For me this is a majestic addiction about a heroic protagonist called Sylvester.
He is the utter epitome of romance and perfect. I cant tell you how many times I
wished he was real, believe he was real. Hes just so (sees Connor) real.

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