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1. Mr. Thomas came home before the boys were done destroying his house.

thought of a clever way to keep Mr. Thomas away from the house until they were done. Trevor
told Mike to hide in the outhouse and should help.
Mr. Thomas paused at the door of the outhouse. What the matter in there? he called.
There was no reply.
Perhaps hes fainted, Trevor said.
Not in my outhouse. Here, you dome out, Mr. Thomas said, and giving a great jerk at
the door he nearly fell on his back when it swung easily open. A hand first supported him and
then pushed him hard. His head hit the opposite wall and he sat heavily down. His bag hit his
feet. A hand whipped the key out of the lock and the door slammed. Let me out, he called,
and heard the key turn in the lock.

Which part of plot (see the word bank from Part A) does this excerpt seem to be pulled
from? ___________________
Why do you think so? ______________________________________________________

2. Based on what you have read from the story so far, what do you predict or forshadow
should happen
during the climax? ______________________________________________________________
Why do you think so? ______________________________________________________

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