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1. What are the threats of AFTA?

There are many disadvantage that comes with the implementation of AFTA.
2. Is Philippines ready to AFTA? Provide evidence.
No, because I believe that Philippines has still many rooms for improvement. Not only that we
are still a developing country, AFTA might destroy the industry that we had worked hard to
build. Industries such as sugar, tobacco and mostly agricultural products might be affected when
foreign products are traded in our country.
3. Is collaboration between ASEAN and APEC possible?
Yes, collaboration between ASEAN and APEC is possible since both share many goals and
priorities in promoting economic and developmental cooperation in Southeast Asia and the
wider Pacific region. Connectivity is one of these. Some of the members of APEC are also
members of ASEAN and so it proves that countries that are member of both believes in the
principle and vision of the organization. Possible collaboration of APEC and ASEAN might be in
the supply chain connectivity, trade facilitation, investment, disaster management, structural
Reform, food security and SMEs. However, ASEAN may feel threathen to APEC since one of the
APECs member is the US but then, Asian countries as well as its neighbour may play a big role in
bridging these two organization.

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