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The aim of this report is to provide an overview about the relationship between younger and
older generations within the society of Spain and what kind of feelings arises when it is asked
to young people how their retirement would be.
Current situation
Despite the situation in other countries, Spain has always had a tradition of respect towards
their elders. Due to its social, economical and cultural costums, family has always occupied a
relevant place within the life of any Spaniard. Elders, has not only provided economical
support to their sons when they have had to get a mortgage, also they have taken part in the
care and education of their grandsons. Hence, intense relationships have been established
through the years so that, as a way to reward all their efforts, their sons and grandsons are the
responsible for taking care of their elders when they are not able to do by their own means.
Another way consist in providing them some financial support for their retirement.

Attitudes to change
Nevertheless, several government agencies have stated that the financial crisis is creating a
generation of teenagers and young people, known as The lost generation, which have a
selfish and arrogant attitude, especially with those that they consider weaker than them, in
this case the elders.
By the contrary, this attitude seems to disappear when they are asked about how they
perceive their retirement. Most part of them they answered confidently that they expect to
have a healthy relationship with their families, or at least, not being alone. However, they are
doing the opposite of what they have been speaking.
In order to preserve the respectful behavior and modify any attitude of no tolerance towards
our elders, some recommendations have been listed below:

Since it is considered that TV has a no negligible effect on negative behavior. It should

be recommendable to create a TV supervisor which would be able to erase or forbid
any inappropriate TV content.
Create activities in which elders and teenagers could share knowledge and
experiences. This measure could lead to narrow down the gap which exists between
Create part time jobs in which elders might be useful to our society. These jobs would
serve to delete the misleading idea that elders are useless or are hindrances.

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