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a yasa Buchanan English 112 Mrs. Connie Douglas Annotated Bibliography iano ‘Should the Privacy Aet Apply to minors? Center for Reproducive Rights. “Contraceptives Should Be Available to Teens Without Parental Consent." Teens and Privacy, Ed. Nog! Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Current Controversies. Rp. from “Parental Consent and Notice for Contraceptives Threatens Teen ‘Health and Constitutional Rights" 2006, Opposing Viempoints in Context. Web. 6 Oct 204, "he article written by the Center for Reproductive Rights is saying teens have rights to ther privacy to some extent. The center ask why not let teens receive contraception without parental consent? It is more danger in ashing for parental consent by doing so they are violating the minors tiaht to Privacy. Some teens receive non appropriate treatment or consequences from their guandians when doing the smallest thing such as reesiving contraceptive, pares tend to assume receiving «contraceptive means their child iso already have been sexually active The Center argues that minors havea righ o privacy including contraception but more crtcal things such as abortion should be discussed with parents. Teens receiving inusial pinishment from ‘heir parents may be too alfa to eontiont their parents resulting in them taking the sie way oUt ‘which realy is aot best and may hurt them in the worst way possible. By fear of thie parenls minors ate foreed to make a decision of telling their parent and get the conception but with | additional punishments or do not use contraception at all which comes with its own set of ‘conseguentes. The Center states that eighty percent of pregnancies dealing with teenagers are “unplanned due to lack. of contraeeption. This article give sates which helps you to grasp the big has given the reader some factual and mayb usefl information the reader just feel asi in this Paragraph alone it didn't inclade enough information and f¥ets to back up what point this author Ee etc cece mere Buchanan 2 ‘sas tying to gel acioss, This article could have got more into the subject on teen privacy’ but the reader feel as i'l just touched the basis from a teen's point of view Miller, Kevin, “Parenting versus privacy: Maine Debates Access 10 Teen Medieal Treatment.” Bangor Daily News (ME) 23 Mar.2011: Newspaper Souzce Plus. Web 6 ne nite iis Dulac tums eceorc' oe Treatment, Maine is looking into increasing {son ahs topiary. Thal is dcbting rather cen privacy shouldbe moe ipo ta Fares igh ok about concming sss wiht ens th Leite Bilary Comite stats sides to their decision neta ingrees and one at agrees. They have ers Chat Maine wil became restrict and bl th plant nrease eens iso pricey ay backte Miller is discussing Maine thoughts on inezeasing ten’s rights to privacy. On side states that ‘parental consent may keep teens from participating in sexual intercourse too early in life, But there are concems with rather or not it will make matters worse oF make tens fearful to get their health concerns checked due to their parents being informed. Another side believes. that without parental to prevent. They believe that without consent it may possibilty strengthen the foundation of Families and result in less diseases but ofcourse that isa big if Miller says that without consent it ean go either one way or anoth cither aviors or minors will do as taught what they know i right. Parents fet like giving teens this kind of power undermines thir rights to know ahout their chil! sex lie, pregnancies, medical information and or drug addictions. There right now are not sure on rather having privacy laws for teens will benefit or backlire. Nick a father of three who supports both ‘ides say" the solution to both issues is to just have parents prove that they are ineapable of earing, for ther children before taking away their tight wo Know about important health isse, this maybe better solution to just assuming all parents are irresponsible consent there ae risk at an increase in behaviors we have been «an ingrease risky This article did « goed job at hitting all aspects and voices conceming ths issue on teen privacy The reader will definitely use this anicle in my next assignment, The reader like that iti well organized and also cluded quotes from parents and professionals on the issue. It gave lots of facts that we sould be avare of before choosing ae of not having tee privacy lan approved willbe Now manda, “Lavmakers ¥te to éxpand et work of eda frovidersthat can provide Zare ‘Thinors Without flrental Consent.” Virgin Islands Daily News. the (St. Thamtas) 30 Oct. 2013: Newspaper Source plus. Web. Oct-20, ob Buchanan 3 2 This amicle is for teen being able to seek medical treatment without parental consent. It explain that there re some pices now minors and yo to get tested without parents’ permission. Ms, Nortis also ‘continues by saying that the patients come for both serious and ennor reasons as well. With parents consent teens are driven to worst behaviors out of fer ang! they put themselves at greater risk Amanda Norris believes that the bill should be passed for minors 13-18 to receive medical help without the consent of parent. She explains that it will help teen thrive and live more fulilling lives, Notis argues that minors are most ofthe time seared ot igo embarrassed to conftont their _guarcins on their own when dealing with mental issues or other problems, She also goes on by saying that there are already some places and centers teen ean arrive to for treatment on their own, 1 Ben minors goto the eenters fo get treated forall kinds oF reasons it ean be small issues that their scared the will zeta serious beating over like “It could be that they have fallen and cut their knee and were told by a parent not co eun in schoo! (en),” The reader fel that this article is taking the teens sie on the isso and is discussing mostly inthe concer of the teen The reader may use this article due to the fac dat it gave points that expresses a teen's voice oF point of view and why they may think their privacy is important, This article states what concerns ‘we have with minors not having privacy new and the dteetion that maybe best go when ‘considering minors feling and consequences. They explain that the peivacy act for minors is not tiving them a right i be more sneaky, buta right to come to sock help in embarassing situations as wel that they may not be comfortable with their parents knowing tha thei time of confusion, "Parental Consent Should Be a Requiremen for Underage Abortion." Teen Pregnancy and Parenting, Liss Frohnap el-Krueger. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010, Current Controve Rpt. fiom “Abortion Notification and Consent Laws Reduce Risky Teen Sex.” Health & Medicine Wees (16 Oct. 2006), Oppesing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 20 Oct, 2014, n this anicle1ney found that there i @ connection between parent consent and risky behavioes In teens, They compared the eases of yonorthea to the teen's parent eonsent, They don’t know I the rates have decline due to sale sex and condom use oF abstinence all together. The article have found a eonneetion between the v0 parental consent and risky behaviors. Lisa believes that if we get laws that requires parental consent that teens would paticipate or be involved in les risky activites. They compared eonsent laws to the number oF girls with _gonorthea and found that there are ess eases in white and fee gids due to consent of a parent, They sae that teens are therefore mors likely to have protected ses an or abstinence. This article staes that the aw should be passed it will only benett parenis und leer Buchanan a This aticle di not contain enough information on the connestion between parent consent an ‘sky behaviors. This antiele may not be an article the reader will use for my next assignment. Although thisarticle have some very interesting statistics om the matter it was not valuable. This article also felled to include its Voices or the concerns of different groups Such as parents, teens, professional nd lawmakers, Spear. Scot J." Confidential Heath Care for Toens Is Good Poly." Teens ond Privacy. Ei Nos! Merino, Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Current Controversies. Rp. from “Protecting Confiemiality wo Safeguard Adolescents’ Health Finding Common Ground." Contraception 76.2 (Aug. 2007): 73-76, Opposing Viewpoints in Contes Sone os we ed This ance sts that minor are not lly develops wo take responsibility Fri selves > Giving teen tat kind of confideality ean break them moe than ep them inthe tures Teens avoid activites that they know is wrong when iis reported other parents. When "his article debates rather parents” consent is necessary oF not. Scott believes that confidential health care is good for teens, Scot is worried tha parent consent will only make the child avoic services all together resulting in life coneeming issies, Confidentially ean help teens to go in the right dizection with sexual behavior. The privscy of teens may even reduce the number of teen pregnancies, sexual diseases and other risky behaviors, The article written by Scott, medial director of Planned Parenthood of central Texas says" only one percent of tens would sop having se if parental notification were mandated for contraception. The ‘other will rely onthe withdrawal method,” Which is not as effective as using contraception oF abstinence. Although Scott has his believes health eare professional argue that this confidentially will hurt teens. Healthcare professional sates that sninors are not fly Adeveloped to take responsibilty for their selves and giving them this privaey will only put ‘moe responsibility on the teen. The reader will use this article in my next assignment because the rade like how it chose 1» sides and debace the different issues. The reader think it gave Factual information that will benetit my nest assignment. It showed some reason on why privaey is important andl why privacy may not be important in this specific situation, "Teen mental health bill advances." Manassas Journal Messenger (Manassas, VA] 23 Jan, 2008, Opposing Viewpoints in Contest, Web, 20 Qt. 2014, This article stares that there is no specific laws for or against the consent of parents yet. It states the parert’s point of view concerning teens and why its important, Parents Fel as if Buchanan ‘hey should bes participant in Une bealing process and they are notable to do so if they do not ‘know the specifics of what is going on with thei child. Parent's fear that this law may cause thir child to sufer in silent oF may lead to suicide, Parents also feel that i they sit hack and allow the privacy it will only make matters worse for them, but mostly for their teens. Parents Feel as iFteensdlo not know what i best for them a their age, In the ante, it states that parents are the mostly concerned about the consequence or repereussion that may occur from giving their teens privaey. One parent reports that “when you tell parents that they do not have aright under Virgina law to be notified when thoir children are getting counseling for suicidal tendencies, they look at you like you jst arrived from another planet." This article stats that there i no spectic laws for or against the consent ‘of parents yet. This article explains he parent's point of view conceming teens, Pareals argue that they’ shoud be a participant in the healing process and they are notable to do so if they 4 not know the specifies of what is going on with their child. The article was well writen and looked closely into the parents view an te issue. ‘The reader may use this in my nent assignment as a parent's point of view. It did explain the {cling or concerns that parents may have with this law being passed, The wader feel asi this, tntcle being used will en wg assignment, This anicle was well written and ‘easy 10 Follow sand Privacy." Opposing Viewpoints Online Colletion, Detroit: Gal Fiewpoins in Context, Web. 6 Oct. 2014 2014, Opposing The anicle sites teens do not have the responsibilities that adults have so they should not have confidemially with medical issues. Part ofthe parents responsibility is to keep thoit ‘child safe. I states that forthe same reason teens must tll parents before an abortion is the same reason why they should inform parents about potentially haem issues, Teens are not set euuipped 1» handle these kind of situations on their ov This article argues that ten are incapable of making effective devision on their own without ‘any guidance, This adie says the woo invade teens privacy you must have a Warrant oF reason for doing so before. They argue that there shouldn't be privacy for minor in fact they point out that another area of concern with tons isthe interne, It is unsafe for teens to post thing {important information on the intemet The reader is no going to use this artcle in my next assignment. The eeader don"t think the information is very useful, H does not give must detail an the situation. This arile talks on privacy but in different places, changing areas threw me ff from the point they were trying to Bec aeross, Buchanan Marshall, Pauick. "Online Privacy.” CO Researcher 6 Nov. 2009: 933-56, Web. 27 Oct 2014. This anticle Dv Americans Need Better Prateesion? explains that Americans sometimes are in danger even when they do not think they are. We are in danger in everyday activites and teen are in the most danger because they share important information each day without even Inowing, This article explains that everything we do in technology we leave something like DNA ‘bohind we can be treed trom our everyday searches and activities, Activate lke shopping confine ean be dangerous. The Lntemet saves information about us and social websites ate the ‘worst when tring to slay private. People keep their lives in their computers such as photos, ar Fight tickets and social websites, The reader is going to use this in my next assignment it gives in depth details ubout concems Americans should pay atention to. 1 gives examples on why privaey is important and how although most people may think they are private in reality they are no.

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