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Annotated Bibliography
Kaelin Ballard
English 4

Thesis Statement: In the United States teen pregnancy rates are slowly decreasing, but they still
hold a higher rate than most developed countries.
Hansen, Amy. "The Link Between Teen Pregnancy and High School Dropouts." Ohio RSS.
Stateimpact, Apr.-May 2014. Web. 12 Oct. 2014.
As time goes on it becomes more of a challenge for teen parents to get a degree or even a
diploma. For teen parents, there is a small amount that have actually finished and graduated high
school. Most end up dropping out of high school feeling that parenthood is the more important
position. However, there have been specific classes developed to help teen parents get a higher
form of education, while still being flexible with their schedule and recommending parents day
care centers. Progressing, it is still a challenge to achieve goals moving forward as a young
parent. It is important to my research because it goes to show that some schools do care for their

"Background on Teenage Pregnancy." Do Something. Do Something, n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2014.

As teen pregnancy becomes more common, it slowly is becoming more accepted.
However, there are birth defects that come with having a child at a young age. As the future

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approaches, new diseases are discovered and are more contractible so infants have a higher
chance of being born with blindness, deafness, chronic respiratory problems, mental retardation,
mental illness, and cerebral palsy. Even without being born with defects infants born with teen
parents are born in hardships such as domestic abuse. This also develops precedents for kids to
follow. Boys looking to be in prison, and girls to also be a teen mother.

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