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1. Duchenne- 1/3,500 boys, girls can carry the gene. Begins at the age of 5 years.
2. Becker- 1/30,000 boys. Begin in teen years.
3. Myotonic-Most common adult form. Begins any time under age of 20 years.
4. Limb-gridle-Boys and girls equally. Begins at age 8-15 years.
5. Facioscapulohumeral-Boys and girls. Begins in teen years.
6. Distal-Boys and girls. Begins at 40-60 years old
7. Congenital-Boys and girls. Begins at birth.
8. Oculopharyngeal-Boys and girls. Begins at 40-50 years.
9. Emery-Dreifuss- Boys. Begins at 10-25 years.

Different types affect different muscles
Duchenne- Weakened pelvic muscles, may be in a wheelchair by age 12. As this
progresses it moves to the shoulder, back, arm, and leg muscles.
Becker-Same as Ducheene, only slower progress and is less common.
Myotonic-Myotonia (hard to relax muscle) and muscle wasting (muscles shorten).
Cataracts and heart problems may appear.
Limb-gridle- Progresses slowly and weakens the pelvic, shoulder, and back muscles. May
need a wheelchair as an adult.
Facioscapulohumeral-Progresses slowly and starts in the face (facio), shoulder (scapula),
and upper arms (humeral). Hard to close eyes, lift objects, and raise hand.
Distal-Hands, forearms, lower legs, and feet.
Congenital-Optic atrophy (nerve), epilepsy, intellectual disability, cardiomyopathy
(abnormal heart muscle).
Oculopharyngeal- eye (oculo) muscle, throat (pharynx).
Emery-Dreifuss-Contractures (shortening, hardening of muscles, tendons and tissues) in
ankles, knees, and other joints.

o Complications with the information in the DNA that produces the protein
o Without the protein the muscle weakens and breaks down.

Secondary Medical Conditions

Heart Complications
Respiratory Complications
Intellectual Disability
Digestive Complications
Endocrine System Complications
Sleeping Disorders

No cure.
Prednisone-a steroid that helps slow down the process of deteriorating muscle.
Assistive Devices
o Braces
o Wheelchair-manual or motorized
o Robotic Technology-new and still in development
Physical Therapy-R.O.M

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