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Vidal Carthon
Miss E
UWRT 1103
24 November 2014
Multi-Genre Project Author Statement
The topic for my Research blog/Inquiry Project was Should High School Athletes being
able to go pro after graduation? During my research I looked into rules and guidelines that
applied to age limit and eligibility for Professional Sports League. I also dived into peoples
opinion on current and past rules and gained more insight to form my own judgment on the
situation. Along with peoples opinion they often provide their own conclusion and solutions to
the rules that are in effect right now even if they agree or disagree with rule. Throughout my
Multi-Genre Project my main goal is to inform the public and audience with new information
that they probably havent followed or looked in-depth into. Based off my research I feel like
new points have been brought up that my audience that factor into why High School athletes
should or should not go pro. The first point I wanted to make is to show that it is not impossible
to succeed as a High School Professional Athlete. I also want to display information to my
audience on what it may take to either become a collegiate athletes and a Professional athletes.
Lastly my last points will illustrate the pros and cons of going pro or choosing the only
alternative route which is college. Currently my target I think is very broad and I feel like many
would find some type of significance in all three multi genre that Ive decided on. I think though
that to condense my audience High School athletes who may be potential victims of the age limit
ruling will find this impactful because it directly relates to them. Sports fans also will find this

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concept interesting because they can form their own opinion and may cause change in the rule
because fans have a big impact on sports. Lastly I feel Sports Organizations Leader, for example
CEOs, will find this information to be important because they can hear opinions and outlooks on
the rules they place and made consider amending or completely changing the rule.
The first Genre that I decided to use is a Magazine Cover. Most Magazine covers serve
multiple purposes, the main purpose is to serve as an attention-getter for potential customers.
Through the use of images and text Magazine covers allow a Magazine company to display to
their audience a sense of what the magazine is about through its uses of Headlines or Lead
articles and smaller stories called cover lines. Some other key components of a magazine cover
include a publication date, pull quotes, and prices. Within my article I pulled in research that I
found from one of my blogs posts by David Shields called Why not go pro? In the article
David spoke on a numerous number of athletes who went pro, even though they were fresh out
of High School. This would eventually become the basis of my article. My thought process and
message throughout this article was to attract High School Athletes in believing that becoming
Pro right after High School is possible. I used David Shields list of High Schools student-athletes
and narrowed the list and chose my cover athlete who I felt had the most successful and
prominent career which led me to LeBron James. Since I created the magazine cover I
incorporated my school colors of forest green and yellow as the color scheme for my magazine.
Following along with the color scheme of my college I decided to relate the title with my college
as well naming it Niner Illustrated similar to the popular Sports Magazine, Sports Illustrated.
To continue with a theme of both David Shield list of successful High School Athlete I added
cover stories of other High School athletes that he mentioned, while also adding an interview of
a former college athlete whose potential could have let him go pro if rules werent set. At the end

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my hope in the Magazine Cover would be to attract mainly High Athletes who are capable of
going pro right after they graduate. The attractiveness and along with the other components of
the magazine cover would allow persuade to read the magazine especially since I used prominent
role model for young athletes as a cover.
The second genre I used for my Multiple-Genre Project was an Invitation Flyer. Most
invitation are based off letting people know that you are having a party/ celebration when and
where the party is, and how to let you know that they are coming to celebrate with you. Common
elements include a graphic that symbolizes the host or event name and may also include the
name of the host of the event. You also may find the purpose of the event and cause, for example
if its a wedding or a birthday party. Some of the last key elements of the invitation are things
like a date, time, and location, and the creator of the invitation should some type of special
instructions. Often the special instructions display requirements along with the event, if that
being a clothing requirement or something else. In this Genre my thought process was to display
in a different way of inviting and promoting High School Athletes to attend college through the
eyes of the NCAA. I added a twist with the use of an invitation because becoming a college
athletes is surprisingly very unlikely for most high school athletes. I tried to show the fact by
creating in invitation flyer which in my opinion is also prestigious because invites to events are
disclosed to those who are invited, kind of like exclusive club event. I incorporated key facts
from my research into the invitation flyer. I first listed my audience FUTURE COLLEGE
STUDENTS in my invitation flyer by directly stating it in the headline. I then under the subheading under requirements instead of naming clothing and parking arrangements I listed the
academic criteria High School athletes must have to become a college athlete, like GPA and
certain test scores (NCAA 1). Underneath the subheading Prizes instead of actually listing

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prizes I stated the benefits or coverage of an athletic scholarship. Underneath the sub-heading of
Sponsors I listed common sports associated with the NCAA. Lastly, under the sub-heading
Benefits I listed common opinion from the writers of my research who advocated high school
athletes going to college. Most of where I got my information was based off the scholarly
journal entitled "NCAA: Eligibility and Success by Michelle Brutlag Hosick and Nick Sproull
touches on the history, studies, and requirements for College Athletes eligibility. I wanted in this
Genre to show the NCAA motives and side of why they feel athletes are benefitting from college
and should choose that road over going pro. The audience would mainly focus on the high school
athlete who is undecided on if college is for them or the athletes who has made their decision to
go to college. I feel by listing the benefits in a prestigious way will cause the audience to feel that
not only feel like there important but also see more value in the benefits of going to college.
My last genre is a Bumper Sticker, They may promote or oppose a particular
philosophical or political position and can be used for commercial, religious, humorous use.
They often are displayed on the bottom back also known as bumper of an automobile for other
drivers to view. They have multiple which can be to persuade, inform, or just be expressive. The
use of large wording on the bumper sticker allows it to be readable for others but also add more
emphasis to the overall bumper sticker. Bumper stickers can be either long or straight to the
point but they always have a direct or indirect meaning. Another characteristics of the some
bumper stickers is they often have a play on words. With my bumper sticker I kept it pretty short
and simple using the phrase Pay to Play, NCAA!(Glockner 2) the meaning behind the phrase is
pretty direct and is to be understood as a message to the NCAA to play student athletes for their
services. The rhyme scheme in my bumper sticker I think makes it very creative for
advertisement purposes while still displaying an expressive and important message. Another key

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aspect in my bumper sticker is the phone number on the bottom which is the actual NCAA phone
number. By adding complain at and the phone number it show that the creator of the bumper
sticker is very expressive and seeks the need for change. I incorporated research from a recent
article by Andy Glockner named "Mark Mark Emmert's basketball dilemma: Could a short-term
salve eventually destroy the NCAA? which displayed NCAA promoting the idea that condone
athletes going to the NBA to avoid paying student athletes.
My main goal was to display benefits and a few negatives from both sides of the
spectrum. I wanted to display the benefits of high athletes going to college and those benefits of
athletes who want to go straight to the pros. Overall my three genres displayed both a creative
and informative way of my research.

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Work Cited
Glockner, Andy. "Mark Emmert's Basketball Dilemma." Time Inc., 17 Sept. 2013. Web.
9 Nov. 2014. <>.
Kerr, Steve. The Case for the 20-Year-Old Age Limit in the NBA. Grantland. Grantland. May
2012 Web. 27 Oct. 2014.
Shields, David. "Why Not Go Pro?" The New York Times. The New York Times, 05 May 2004.
Web. 05 Nov. 2014. <>.
Journal of College Admission." Journal of College Admission. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov.
2014. <>.

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