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2 : The General Assembly's Craining School for Lay Workers pias Bulletin / CATALOG NUMBER: BULLETIN oF The General Assembly's Training i School tor Lay Workers Poreign and Home Missionacies, Pastor's Assistants, Sunday Sehoot Stperintendents and ‘Teachers, Women's Society Leaders, Bible Teaches, All Christian Workers Richmond, Virginia ANNOUNCEMENT 1919-1929 POBLISAED QUARTERLY Vou Hh. Newt Avan, 1919| vcs lo Un Un Bon ew Rind, Va ‘The General Assembly's Training Schoo! for Lay Workers i Government ‘The Caner Assembly's Training School for Lay Workers FACULTY iene the diner comtrl of te Caner Anserbly of the Pro bytoran Church in the United States ee Beant of Managers, testing of telve member, eeseed annually by the Aue Raw, Wateax L. Linete, D. D, biylata's mado up as fllows: Each ofthe four Executive Com Fenton ae hte moreno sot meme oe oer te ober Cc mary oi Seay Seo Pegs Rav. BM, Remnsoy Tons, B,D See ead ie epee Bi Bite Pa fay. Warnes W. Moone, D. LL.D. ELAN, et hina Ente ad Ba Gey are fit Suen, DB {Loulvl, Ky. | Rev. Epwasp Mack, D. D. eens ot The Point ant Popes rao a eee ns —- a, Taso H. Ree, D. Dy Lt D ie eeucetiows, hy | "he Pesach av, Boome C. Camm, D. D. Soe Korte Hi wes ‘New Testament Epics EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE i Rev, Cuamuss L. Kise, B.D, B., Merwes, D. Dy Chin ‘Now Testament Epics eget tse. HM Powe Raw. Trowas €. Jorsso., D. D., LL. D. Christin Doctrine RM, Premnner san on yd, Miss Kermeence Hear Hawes Goan Ca, Tron Dating Fant ‘Social Questions on Criton Pic AiG Sasoet, Tart Sang ! Miss Avo Braxeu Bueron ‘ts Ave Gates, aoe Sunday School Pedagogy, Seondary Dison INCORPORATION ise Euszanenm ME. Sams The General Asstmily’s Teiaing Sehool for Lay Workers, Sunday Séhol Pedagony, Biementary Division Inseeorred wae gant & charter by the Commonweal iss Lue C. Bruxowoasr of Ving Nay 3, 1915 Miss ba Christian Endiawor and Teacher Trainig Assonbiy’s Training School, Richnord, Vo. Rev, Guna Gitss, D. D. Vouny People's Work and. Alt Department Miss Cannte Lex Casrmrts, Organised Women's Work Rey. 0. B. Bueniorz, B. . Christin Aftsrione Ma. Wane . Suis Pertnal Boonglsm ond Stomardship (Miss Many Cartan Anpuasos: Curr Events 05 Relted to Swat and Ralgions Questions W. B. Lonmatse, M. D. Director of Medical Course Rov. M, Rvensox Tensor Clerk of the Bolly CALENDAR 1919-1929 Fall Term Opens September 24,1919 Exatinations, Deere 1-6, 1919. ‘Winter Term Opens December 8, 1919. Christmas Holidays, Devers 23 to January 2, 1920, Examinations, Febroary 25-28, 1920, Spring Term Opens March t, 1920 Examinations, April 26-May 1, 1920. Session Closes May 6, 1920 sembly ¢ Triving School, Richmord, Ve. STUDENTS SENIOR CLASS omeneo Issn Douay Mee, Aa on Mae Hasan Kray, W.Va ms Mates Howlin ‘Charbie,B 6. ruse Gusners Mass hala, We Va Ans ener Reon Staton, Ys ‘tary Biv Gaia, Ban, aw Sean Was ‘Baran, N.C Ceaaores Baneos Wass f Winsor Salen, Nc. asain Parr Wane, use, Vs Towisbers Sis ewe W. Va isuatem Gusniow Waser Malate Ch, Vo Pasona Wes. ‘Wage, Oa ‘isla Cans Prednis, Yo ‘io Gas JUNIOR CLASS. a beac Da Radar, N-€ sur Max Basu Dacian, N.C: naan Cowon Basen oo, Px ‘Tuoum Gales, Mane R, Cosas ‘touon, N.C, er sca Cali Rel Sings N.C. Assenblss Training Schl, Richmond, Va or sib Gi, Ta Sogn Mare Lena Dow, Caleb, Ga Soom Osores Puasa Nora, Vo (Case Govern Netye Ford, Vi ‘ada Smits, Weare, a Was Bonner Goan Ata, Go Wer Cag, Wading, D.C Maneaner Tats Hanus, Rowe, Gs ‘Sr Cig a a) Sou Manse Hansa Rowe, Gx She Nal Cg ls, a” ‘cace Hives Sen Maroy, Te ‘ite Tews Tring Sea. New Yuet i. Vovust Banana Joasern ara, Tosa tute sod Cie, Clty Mise mee Witenes. sted Cale Mary Dali ir, Staion Va Joa Boao agers Jaya ‘Weta Nova cad Tada Gags Rost Hil, B. ave nso BCom Lesage, Va “onto Sst Nena, Ye Lome Aan, Sis, Ca. linia Cates, Coaabi 8 Rida Vo. ‘Wasa Cig, Rion, Va oven Rese Sort Base iy, N.C. (Okie Wissen Use, Damas 0. ‘Russom, W. Vee Renan, X. Aszomblse Training Schl, Richmond Vax 1 ret Vier Servo Casa, 8. outa Wate, opkiole, Ky ‘Coane Wain. Cones, 8. With Nera wd addi Cag ok Ha 8: memes Ons oth West ‘ea Nora Sa ios Tes Femtoe Cia SPECIALS neers ashing, Can, crm Inn Pring, We Va Nae Derr ava tna, Vo sna, Sia, Stacas omens Assembly's Praining Scoot, Richmond, Vo. Assen s Training Schl, Richmond, Va 9 SUMMARY BY CLASSES Senior Clase ior Cla. Special Students, Tota ‘SUMMARY BY STATES AND COUNTRIES. Todi Keck tke cata ea = sented me e ‘The Aim and Purpose of the Assembly's ‘Training School ‘he Anny Teasing Schoo et ofl» Bile Training Schon ascan Pe msen ty eglace at Hecatalog. But gathered Shout the ible crue av center there are many” ler cor Seated tours and courses iy proctlal rethods covering alsost Geary form of Christm service. "hes courses are othned Shear en — i purpose of the Training Schoo isto tin lay workers, both men and women, fr every department of the Churels Beck Sct hal minty ve thas hrs of ge ee aerate hese angen a sho se women ‘The Assembly's Tsing Seal trae these ly workers for this frei service anti he gly Teainng School of the kid inte Southemn Brebycerian Church. "There are now an the Sas se ade wh exes go tthe ign nsoariesem frog ade very profitable to spend part of thee flours i the Training School and every year we Have nplled some misionories among ove students "Fhe Training Schl sho tebe fey workers for all for of home mieion work. We have graduates st work in the moUn- {frog he ne fl ete an fre me ‘Emphasis lid ypon Sunday Scho! work and our graduates ae rendering slicont service as Sanday School workers ‘args pars of the Chara “Therhas bern quite 2 demand for Training School graduates to each the each scl adele an evra ot ‘isomer student ce fling sch poitons with great avec ‘During the past few years there has been a Snereasing d= rand, pastors) asiatents and church wins i our Lge ‘hurches, and a numberof ur grates age fling suc places ‘wld dtintion. "At presest the Tesning School te not abet py the demand for uch worker, 0 Assembly's Teuiing School, Richmond Va We have in tho Training School at present severa!studeuts who ae preparing themeves tobe mort efient ible teachers tnd worker in thelr own home ehusthes. eis hope the ee sil be an incresce in the sumber of stadente hs lon tts En of vottncary service ia enti the Tring Sch i sing co sucun'a great deil to the Chureh az thee tl eave gout Into eery part of the Church year eter year * ‘Wile the Training Schoo! ia Presbyterian ie open to et eats of all denominations: It fale intended fo beak aon ‘and women, COURSES OF STUDY hu fall course of study at the General Assembly's Training School coves a period of two years. An watine of ll the de Fartnents of this course wi be found i the pages that flow The studcat who caapleia he fll course succetaly sarwarted diploma. ‘A diploma willot be awarded to any stadent wo Feat a fade fe han 3 percent on apy sy foe any tern lring the te ears ‘A couree extending over on year, or even shorter cones ‘ua be taken to advantage i the stent Tas it impossible) take the whote course,” Certificate of penfidenty aye awa, to stadeuts who take purtial courses, "Thee cortfeates, ell ile all tie on wich the sent makes ae of over per cena DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH BIBLIO Guat, Starsacrer The study of the English Bible is mate the center of the whole couse of properclion, this 5 done with the conviction the the noyledge ofthe Wont 11 Gol nthe me tongue about ental fr any Successful Chistes worker. Almont bal of the tune ses fhe de ev eyo he i and een the her eoarees are baced largely pon the dies ‘The ‘nly text Hook wend in thie depattaent i the, America eviel Version. The purgece ss aot to study books whut ‘he Bible, ut the Bibi tea o give the stucentet leer and deeper Knowledge of the Scsprsce, a at the same time o develop their salty to athe the most elfen woe of the Ble practical work Astombly's Tosining Sebo, Richmond, Vo 4 Lag epi hed wn Mee. Ty Saint lend alan. fea are catty ee Siiernes Mpc Sts Ian ye Soo AS caw atindarehae et atte one eta ected en Brest eat tc yam tes Reet imcniegiar abt yaa Gey lieder Seber cae ihe momen. EGG Cig Geteetes Lage Soham ar aeas tere, he He TrnoanGeSrr=Tie Bie wilree Seer TLS Gere Gach Sen ise ge ee ongct, Sineet ars ri Bove Galawts ialer otis Gee Bile Salas el Goes eee aioe Gatherer eaaa' Pale Shien waste eth tae ees Sree reach ris tae ee shea Batbe wl aaa poy Greer es eel ees ee ed Depaspmcs Urow tue Hore Spit —Along with the inter ape ra ny header conan made {Orealae hat the Holy Spiele the one and any Teacher, fd itis only 8 they look to him for hs personal Inetructon Wil they beable to undesstand the deep things of God Cuurtanion or rus, Seon, Lirn-—The ible i taugit not merely to prepare the students wo teach #9 ‘other, ue that thelr Sa spiritoat Hives may’ be deepened a Assembly's Training Scho! Richwoniy Vox sd enriched. Iasght ito the truths of the Bible shown {elt ependent afon the iit ie Ace coe ‘ost sanctuary of the Haly Scripture iy granted only 10 fhe who come € worship.” The ait ist maintan ie Figheststatdaed of Schlaraip and at the se time to eh- fcrage the deepest epicullty English Bible Courses in the Old Testament 1, Tue Prerarevar—Three hours a, week, Fall and ‘Winter ting. Fist Year.” The place to hegin i the study fh the Bible eat the begining. ‘As the wile ofthe BIDE fas its toot in Gone, a therugi sty of this owl i ‘made. Exodus & gone into wich’ equal thoroughness be: hte ie contains ‘llth ceative ideas of the Tebrew people ud is the necessary foundation of the lav. Lovers Numbers and Deuteronomy’ are gone over mort rapidly, ‘heh ine elen to ger a clas Cseston ft Hebrew Institutions whet thee hooks ental 2, ie Mugronscar, Boose (Joes Judge, Ruy 1 gpd H Sacouel Vand {1 Rings, Van If Chronices, Bera, Nehenial Esther Tises havea week. Fell wd Wintel “Terms” Second Year, Tie books are sted ty see the evelopment and paral falliment ofthe. Abtahasie Govepit” Ein lee! upon dhe deepract of the Hebrew morareky and plac in the plan of rede fiom the principal characters of Fleinew history, the period ‘ot lijah and sha and the causes of te faethe Rowthe fro and Southern Kinguowm: Sailicene tape i given to thestadyof te kings of ral and Judah on urna back {ound foe the study ofthe Propet, 3. TexAM aND Jamia —Two Bours = week Spring ‘Tern. 'Sotond. Year. In the study. of these two tee prophets large enphasiaslasd upon the Messani element {ep conta andthe tundameteal piatples of Hebrew Propteny wich they iastate 4. ‘DHE Minox Prormrs—Three hours a week. Spring ‘Tern, "Second Yeas. -A thorough stay is made of Aros ae typical book ofthis group. Outline studies are made ithe thera 2 far as tke porate Assembly's Training Schl, Rico, Va 8 &. Tim Poaiats.—Two hours a week, Fall Term, First Begs The core the Pens nes a i aco festaznent History, with a general introcaction tthe book anda taal dy of neta Poon Phe pr pose is make this great manual of devotion a practical Booker tte personal toe of the tent sad for fee wes 6. Tuy Wesoou Larsnarues —Threehours a wet, Fall ‘Tarim. ‘Secon Veat, The clase males» sty ofthe Hee ew” conception of Wistom, eepectally as set forth in the books of Job, Proverbs aad ‘evlesiaete, “The stuctre snd coatents ofthese boos are carefally tated, and the passages of special dffiulty or special importance. ave thorgtshly: expounded. In connoction “with this cours, the Song of Sones alco f aalyael and ietepretel i deta English Bible Course In the New Testament 4. Tax Sexorne Gosrris.—Theee hours a wesk Fall ‘Tarp. “Firt Year. The Gaspel by Matthew i thoroughly stalled | Armaotery of the contents the book i requied, vyth a study of i purpose, coastrtion and. prominent Gharacosrisice An important am 9 to eagget method of study for future use, "Outline etadion of Mark ad Lake 8. Tig Gosput ov Joux:—Three hours a week Winter ‘Term, “First Year. Ths Goepel, known a0 "the geatect ook inthe world," studied with special ear. The whele 4 studio in tho ght of the author's purpose stated in 20330, 31, ‘Large emphesi fe olaced upon the question of bolt and unbulit revealed in the gospel ants Teaching of Jesus Christ" is. chaptert 13-47 are ahrelt ‘pon 9. Tue Boog orrms Acrs—Thrchoursa week. Spring ‘Term, itt Yenc, the Acts i eomlered one of the ‘eat key books of dhe Be and is actodiagly studied SIG hougnan ond wigs, Emons i a io the ‘ork of the Holy Spire the fondamentaleacile ofthe Edy Chir and the ssonary etements The conta: fin ofthis book males He penal wel adapted tHe trate the prince af the book stedy meso Assonblys Training School, Ricknond Va 10, Tax Eoterun vo nme Rouans.—Two boars a wes Winter Tenn Seeoat Wear, This great epee etude Ina clon tanpeicl way. ‘The students ae required to ‘ork out thea and analyte of the boo asa whofe and OV the inca sccina. ‘The study of this episte for Sishee them with 2 thorough knowledge of Uae great plan ‘feaivation by grace slont 11, Ting Prior Engexuns (Ephesians, Philippians, Colas sans, Philomen)-—"Theee hours a week, all” Tem: Seo eae isch grog of ete eid with ntiusiatic cempsigear fo bring. ott Peaine fleas The vacthod of stingy similar ho thaw emplose inthe study of Roman 12, Typ Bersrie 10_sme HeoReys—Three, hours a sweik, "Spring Term. Fist Year. This book is studied Fist after the students ave completed the study of Old Heamout micas inthe Poste, “th the ana UWsekground they ae ine position te appreciate the greater Fics of the New Testament pensation Which ths tiate eo strikingly seve 13, Tus Book oP me Rewunaiox.—Tro hours a week Sprig Term, Ssuund eat” The opening expression of ‘he labs book af the Bile, The Revelation af Jers ‘ae the heynote ofthe work inthe eourte, ‘Tite eo {ents te book are ny nasterc sto bo teal kept before ‘he mad iu working through them foom begining bo en ‘Ghution iy exsrcss! in interpretation The apocalyptic portions of both the OW and the Nev Testament aren: Retied lle te book of the Reveaten i beng studied ‘The great practical and devotional value of the book is tophlized 14. Brgeacar, Geoouarns— Three hors a week. Last talt of Spang Tere, Fire Year. The main fester Tile ey salle bya metod which ans fot oly to ive a full and exact owed of names a aces hs, ta oem he sede to Keg Tyo the Tiel’ Land. "ie soued. of anni history." Other countries identified with Bible history are stad in ‘tr course Assis Training Scho), Rick, Va. 5 , 15, Binue Resnnos—One hour a weck droughot the ‘eat. “The purpoge of thin couec fs teach the ‘Eedents how to pomant i 3 simple popular way the fe fon they have buen getting om their Bite seudy. "There ES great denand foe Chelan worker ey end devotional mewtnge and tive intersting. ictructive Bie reads fey, and lel the im of the Taining Sebool prepare {He sudents to meet this seed. “The profesor gives the clas the fundamental prigcipes whieh should. guide the Student in their presealationof Bible tut Tem ater the studeis has eadeavored to put these griacples into Brace by making al elo? the lac the oer {he weak nea” PE ¥e DEPARTMENT OP CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE 16. Cumsriax Docrarna.—A coure covering the Chi tian gtem of doctrine brik, practical as ve, ‘The Westminster Shorr Cercle the. Confenisn of Fall, sid 4, A. loe's Commentary thereon, ad halos Hodges "Way of Pi" ave the text books the stents are required to memorize the Shorter Catechism. ey Sf revel {9 rea ctl and prepare fr tpemery “rrugn digests of the several capes ts Hodge's “Way of Tee hey ave aught inthe at room the fspiratiny of the Seiptres andthe whole grogpof Sotcogical, Ethical ft Eocielopeal dorsi They are ath tyler fre and text book fn all ques they” are expected 1 browe trom Seipeure Ge portions. taken by them. & onstaat endeavor is nae to appiy He tc broxgte ot ‘oie lie ot te seatent ‘Junior Yess." Entre Season, One hour a werk DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL QUESTION AND CHRIS- TIAN ETHICS ‘GmrenaL Stareunot—Christian worker i oeder to do tlfectve work must have sn intelligent Knowledge of the peereat socal conditions, the problems arising ftom thes, End te agentes ne work for the solution of these problems ‘This courte aime to give the student a foudaton Meowhedge of those gestions and to show the total responabity of 16 Assortly's Troining School, Richmond, Vo Christan people trough the ppticaion ofthe soil techs Inge Jem ta thelie a tay HP Ehase Grove 1, Tymnopncgion.—The Serial Question ia Gene Sodial Se, Serta of Sty, Gro Acie. 2 Srupy of Ta Pawiby, se Coumary (Uxnan aso Roeat) tae Ctr 5, Tim, INbusTwA,_SrrCATION.—Present Conditions, Els and! Remedi, Women in ingistry, Child: Labor, Onginjed Industry, Lagiatin, Socal ior year. Fall term, On hour a week 18) Seeow Grave, 1. Socttaaeo Craniry.—Study of Dependents, Delec- tives aid Delinquents, thee rhe nd ware, the Chasey ‘Organization Soclety aad ther reel agence 2. Race QvssnoNs.The Immigrant Cases an prob teas of immigration, leguaton, derbi. pots, nd asciqaton of tigate “hie Negwrfsnemiconition, health and bowing, cecnton,lemlersips clan 4, Tus Fronts op Corrs Lan Junior year Winter tam "One hour a week span Goer 1, Susy oP Acusews, Bmuoceseay, aNp Sovnces cx iegonusttor Nexo nv Txowe ts Soc Won 2. Conaparey Srupies so Soxvexs—Twmem Pur ost en Vat 8 GEN, A THER RELATION 10 Gra Wont 3, Retatios op sx Cases 70 Soc Paomus, Istnrewonat Choachas, me Soest Tracnwcs, OF Jeftnir yee, Sprig term, One hour a wash it rs lo vt nage nh yg ca gunn pe eis " Assenly's Training Sac, Richmond Vo fa AV. DEPARYMENT, OF PERSONAL EVANGELISM AND STEWARDSHIP. Gawrra, Starpyint-—The purpose of this couree je to diet the thought of the stunts to the personal ob igatons to win stl Java Chita o tench chem how tee eae ie ond ofl he goer of Cal ue Ealyaton, fe i held up asthe prindpal means do ‘Bitch sol winning {tobe done, Certain passages of Birpture are elected on account of dir sped apts ton! to ths work and stants are required t nemerize tie!” The nt ea entoeged n d,pasoal ‘ore, a5 they may have opportunity, and report to the ‘Inss: “The teachiags ofthe Bible conceraing stewardship St ite and ebane ar sao creliy sealed this de pattinent 19, Pensoxat. Wonr.—The Great Conmiesion is used to enlorce the obligation sf peruonal wore Percnal ‘reparation, ‘the guidance of the Holy Spit the tse of oper texts he obiertons and he excuzes offered by Sabelivers and nom-profeaiag believers the, difeatien fod prions enmee in oal wi, the mete ‘Shpliped hy: Clie ad is diciplos and romsioent per onal sorkets of ater dave are studies "Junior year.” Falland Winter terms. One hour a werk. 20. Srawaxosnie.—The purpose of this course ie. luring to the minds of the students Se Bible view of Lif flents and of Money, and to lead lem to” deepet Gouaneration of Their gilts Tt alco ty designed to teach them how to twach others corect idese of stewardship find to lend them to practie tin thelr Tes ‘The modern plan f church faanoe, how secured, how eolected, and Fw distribute, ie loo laced in tts course "Jonoe year. Spring term. One hour a werk, \V. DEPARTMENT OF CHURCH HISTORY 21. Juston Yeaa—Every trained Chratian worker caght'to know someihing of the history of the Christian Sch? Nich hou oe ing he Tues Scoot ves ducing the Junior year popular couse inthe gen Ent Minto of ee church Tike coure avoids techaeat ‘Stil and studies the great men and movements and dee is Assebiy's Training Sco, Richmond, Va. velopment ip the church fom the beginaig ofthe Chee havea the rast tine Inshore ts cour des ‘withthe gene andar of Cure hist” Yonior rar. Entre session. One hou a week 2, Surtox Yean—Every trained Predytexian worker ‘ought to know something ofthe hstary of the Presbyterian Gels “Holding thi conviction. Se. Veaining” Shoo! ves dising the Senior yearn populae course a te history ‘tte Presbyterian Chive inal endo, with epoca fhasis upon the Presyterian Chavet nthe United Staten 'Scniot year. Eat seston. One hin a werk 23, A Covase nv Counexr Hisroay.—The famous Argo of Rugby road the sowopapers to toe hal Gal was doing in His wl. If the Chatan worker ix ging todo iis est he ought to know something the prestat-day Tovel movements. With this iden bate vs the Training Schoo! gives a courar on Current Events oa related #0 10 {gone sad soca questions "biorsand Senior Estire session. One hour a week Vi. DEPARTMENT OF CHRISTIAN MISSIONS 24, Juxion Yran—The fret part of this course covers the wttly of the Bile ay the Basis for Missionay andthe Hiseory af Mtsclona, including a general survey of Mission Taps ant Msinaey Bigrapiy Tlusioe year. Eative soon” One hour 2 wee 25. Spvton Vean—‘The second part of thie couee is \esigned to" give the shidest Micsonary: Princip sad ‘Methods, and more detailed study of the Home aid Foreign Mission Fields of toe Southern Presbyterian Cour Tecdages with a couse ua the Faiths of Mankind Senior year Entire session, "One hour week, ‘Vil. DEPARTMENT OF SUNDAY SCHOOL AND YOUNG. PEOPLE'S WORK, 26, Tracume Teanave Comnss-—This couse covers thoroughly The First Vear Standard. Teacher Tesi Cora" Contig of fort Jeong ten ont ato fhe Bap ten og he tuly of the Teacher ad he at of ching, enon he TeackersStudyot be Le of Cae” Assen Training School, Richmond, Va » nd ten on the School, ts organization and management. ‘The tescbook ued "Trained Worker” whe out bythe Prechyteian, Comittee of Bublicition, but this Sak TS Vrgely supplemented by fectares. ‘Upon the ton of this cmurtn the Peeshteias Committee of BuvBcatin ad Sunday Schoot Werk elves the stadeuta ‘Teacher ‘raising Certiente. This course i inended to ‘topare our student fo be leader gf weache ang clases, anion years Entire aeasion. ‘Two hours 2 week 27, Exauuorany Covnsn.—in this ight weela’ course ‘op elementary wrk we ae putting before cur students toe laeaoteraticsews and tans for development of the ig of the Crate ail, Beginners, Pramacy and Susior {partemnts of the Sunday Sehoot ies the purpoe of ‘hb cours to equi each student with such am intimate Ketowiedge ofthe wore inthe departrsets that he or she {St'be ale to organise and. sicomfely cond hove Sachs wha Sa ata tothe work othe ace CO BSSbr year. Fall sri, Two hours a week 2g) Apourscet CoUnse—Thia cour takes uy 2 spe alee treatment of se Conc, Onantation, Equipaeat nd Management of the Intermediate, Senicn Couns opis departments of the Sunday Scoot, ail pe Sat say ofthe pupil inthe three eager of sdoleconee HHS dims, tg Aim of the Department of this Division of the Surslay Schok the Meant Now Usod ty Atta these ‘Alta the Mena Sogested; the Judrment Valgos of these Means. "The courst'alo, precenta"anopportanty for Defaite Superviaed Practice Work io both leprestional fd Exprestonal Activites ‘Senior year. "Winter tert. ‘Two howe week 25, oe Pom yo Anuurn—Tn thn carn» ge cal survey ie taken of work for young people, expaclly {he work wick agsomplied Throw varius’ chur “nganizations and societies for young people Fie uate the wrk and roles ofthe organized alutt caves in the Sunday School Tks ie a hort inporent sect, an adule cane ave came to form ‘ich alrge and infaeial element othe modern Sucday Shoat ‘Senior year.” Spring tem. One hour a week: 20 Assen Training Sel, Richmond Vo Arseny Training Schl, Richmont Va 2 138, Gowns x, Chua Epnavon Thi coe is planned fo give the ctudent a proce, workiag know ‘oC the moje effective meth used in'Young Peoples oe ties." The text-book, "Eapere Endeavor, will be made the bisig of sendy, supplemented by eporéoa spetal phases of the work and study of meet the conditions fe both Sarge cty charehes ana those of rural cousmantic, Special study wil be made of auch yobleme asl Ing the Teea Age Dey and Gil in the Chavel Attvities” ‘Young People at Work for Other Young People,” asd “Young People Trained for Serves” “The atu. be ‘basal tpoo actual conditions i’ tur ehutehes yay Tunior cass (September Decembat). "One hour vee, 3k, Wonan's WonsIn hi cure it i ated ‘ge the student the history, principles and methods of Womsn's Workin. the Chisth The organteation. of ‘Women’s Sores, their Reintionsiip tthe Voons People and to the Church, Parliamentary Practice, Making of Programs, the. Woman's Ausilany of the: Presbyteisn Circhy ete "The semnisat method will be wed largely with st discussions as may be suggested. ‘Seaior year Palleera “One houra wee ‘VITL, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY, HYGIENE AND ELEMENTARY NURSING Gusntay Starmunti-—The special sim of the work done inthis doparement is to give the stent a Comptes bee tno othe satiny tod poco he an body, achat, they mus Tean the las Boverong the workings the body and thet ce tendenie a wena Sind the preposition to ditases may be overcome A found bt Ja almost aecamary aa avtecedent to motat and piysieal ght lang The course wil be given by tae Tecture metiod by able physcans an graduate rac 32, Awarowy, ax Pustoxoey.—This conse consists ‘of Tectures'on the Anatomy aad Paystolgy of the human Trdg, togedher with the lf whch gover ts work ‘ir year. Fall term “One our weeks 433. Frasr Aum axp Hyorews-—The stodent is required to Teac the General Direction forthe Fist Aid ier ne Juri How to Use Triangular and’ Roler Bandages How 1x to Pravent Actidents and How to Meet Emergencies When ‘They Occur. Tn this cywse seo the student ie taught that fhe ave ofthe heath ia divine eequrement, tat much Aliseace may br averted, and ant atroag ody iscondacive fovrighe mental and mace ving, Students ae chow, ot taihow ils may te ncomeleed, bt ao ae enti {or diseminating there health pracptes. among” peole ‘who areignorantof the laws of hestth ad soatatton. "Ynor year. Winter term. Oae hour week, SA. Eueumerany Noneins—The Elementary Principles ‘of Nursing re tageht fm his course. The object ito teach {he otadet to flo ntelligently the Srections af hes ‘San in any case 'Tais courve fo conducted with practical Nemessteation Junior year” Spring term. ‘Twolhouts a week DOMESTIC SCIENCE AND HOUSEHOLD BCONOMIGS Sesion Cigss—Dusgg the past year there has bin give ner tte general partment move exit eaee lone Bemontenton Whe by Me Maude Ey Walley Home densostration agen for Rico wader the Gute Stites Department of Agetltre Cooperating Extension Divison, Blacksburg, Va “The objet of Homme Deooteation Work je t arouse the womens gi to the fac hat Bre making fone of Ute greatest professions of raniend; that its iaffuence ex: tends far beyond the wal of the House ‘ad the confines ithe fae Sort cotre often leon: 1. Foon 1 Food fue Growth and Boeey Read rhe 1} Fond and its Relation to Disease {8 Siteested Demonstrate (Cees and Vege ‘ables 2. Fag Values ae hanced Meo 8} The One-Plere oe One Dis Meal ©) Sauget Demonstration (One Dich Meal ‘ccf Rice: Dian Muli) 2 Assonby's Trasing Sel, Richmond, Vo ai eaten Tce HAAS (oa Lye of Ve 2. Nie ne ose iow ante Benson (Ton Fh Lat wi ‘ined os neg NPE are 1 Faas of Dee 4 gee 8) ig (Roman (3 Stoel ‘Various Ways). SIS 2g ae Ea » releaindee ase! 3: Hove Magogaense 72 9 Tora Tee} Pea Ye haec eel (3 Hest Ree, Darel eee {2 oe aie SE acon Pisa ad oan ofa and Pain of ing aad Preparation of @ Land ‘The Convenient Kitchen. (How, Cotte () Hossehld Devices, {6} Labor Saving Devices (@} Baestation {Dike Suitable fr « Single 4. Reviow of nine lesons ‘Written tamination. Note books None eas guint kimi MG tae ant sem th deat = ued prenat rf in eich ‘cin tenon eeeamataaoa wily Astembly's Training Set, Richmond, Va a X. DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC Gunnas. Starminnr—The aim of the department of musk isto prove insguction in vor tuste and i the the of the selon in singlag, ta stadente may be able to tae ht and fo eal devotnal or ea Starr Siacino-Ths ace undertakes to groaad the student in knowledge ofthe Beye See the moda of Se bulging) esercan oad actual reading and saging of yes: AP ihe ed of the year the stodeat sbowlé have oqulved the ability tp sing any staple sacred rosie at ‘ebeuand tp aoe tue voce without aburing “Seior year, ‘Througbtnat the year’ One hour a week, Novae i dio tose rsctny rss XI. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Gusenas Stareayr—The object ofthis department ix to\ provide or the studeate therlves needed piyseal ‘jefe and to tesin them a leading young peopie into esi rerreasion.” The playground la became’ 2 wel End sco in ec 2nd ye a featined to play am increasing part to all education. Frac syatig—Syaenate yma wok velops the student physically, and promotes beak re This vouse tay. be taken f0 coanection with te "MC. Aan the Y- W. CA. ofthe ty of Richront ‘Both ofthese istituons have excellent gymnasium faci bes with competent Instructors Fsoaleat tenis courts Ihave en provided forthe ie of student, and ths healt ful exercise may he enjoyed throughout the fll tern Nong As the Sea atm gyn fom at rey is ‘nna ay been ae fly epee ae ay ‘Ean retin very day. Ths a We ely de ‘ton wre and by akg ate fy ee wae wi ‘copra oe Paine Sol on Asseniy's Training School, Richmond, Va Assembly's Traning School, Richwond. Va. 25 XT, THE DEPARTMENT OF CHRISTIAN PRACTICE All wembers of the Sear clas ace tequiel fo engage in some very definite foe of Christan servos unter the gent eal supervision of some member ol he faculty. Eis teri ngage to member of the Senor cats ad while 2 Sener encouraged to make soggestions av fo the nd St work che woul like 0 engyge ine ne ane ef the cage §p Sree fo fae wok wich nang witht Pre ddeat'or withthe member of the faculty wit supervicts the Sil eaten, ¥ te Work ofthe student inthis departnent i supervised aod eporce oom toa to tt lel ae ‘ong are mace bythe supervising emi of the fac Shige bot methods of daa thetwork hands ‘This course f= part of the fegula eurieum and must be fan and done suceesilly blog te lent ca peta ploma. iets the aim of the school 0 train pratal Clidan workers “femur of the Junior cuss ase expected fo engage in seine practical form of meson work ot Sunday School werk {The sey of Richmond with x many Chris actives slfonds thundant opparcnity to ail fovea to engage i fome halptal and proticable form of Christian Services In EGS ehere are so many opportunities that the student fe omties peice dein ort what form of ecco ‘Nomter SCHEDULE eat ist ions Cowan. Soir Yow. al Pom. Tig te sr, 0 ea gti ies The Pens De, We Saisie Betis Remi tir co en Bc CU ai: try aad Devore ae ong a Bataan Se a an logy a Amen. De oni. ions Crise Dune Year, Winer Perm Bes Ri Tk hea Bea Re are eR Chihan te: etn, # Sg tect a ha, as te En hE aa mt 26 Assembly's Tring Sehol, Richmond, Va. EEN a” sume we | po anus 7 com = Se Time Gt Jot Far Spy Fo om wa Bight Pon) SS A Menem el [ng e te eF NEED mtr dd to a Dy eee eee To Mee ee eee vo Jagat HENGE ou me)! coer, asc] [gets morsnchace by pan] | eee ee teal | eeu etre a He Stennett ea Nin] ; Ses meres) * sad oemectate] LAER lurch: History! De, Lite 1 re | Bie Rontag: cuteen of Tater om inole inte) * Sey EST Ee ae sts ang er \ Seat EAM Seale te } hint, 1 | Comer Brome MS Aion” 1 ImtmiaryNuning wth Pato Dement Saar ee! Sir Yaa Seriep Prem “Bagg De: The Mae Propet, Pt. Te itis Gens tt Fa. Pa om Qt Ue: The eo ke od Baa Seanad Dt 2 [Retry cah,| iat T Pon Biles oa Came | § sp | het tery-Mattaien Conran, Detinge| ogee oa Priciplae and)” = Sema Bein] SM Re eran ome MEM Seas = oe ese gtk tea]? meet Bysie Si Andes i (ate este ES En, Sena ai! a Ascemblys Training Shel, Richmond, Assembly's Troining Schaal, Richmond Ve » GENERAL INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS: 1. Qualifications for Entrance ‘The requirements for entrance are that one ust be over cite years of age, must hove at feast high Schon ection on is eqaivalent, thus be of approved Christian character, and muse be pliystealy he. The” student shold send with her pplication for adutsson ato the Training Seto! a testimonial {tt pastor or session aa to er Chiotian character and general bitness forthe work and «testinal irom he piel as 40 hr phystal fitpes. "Asa matter of fart our stent ran from twenty to thirty yeas of age, aml many” of thes ase col lege graduates, a cane sen rom the ctalgue 2, Expenses “Tuition or entine ceo $25.00 Boast om, bent aight, 61.80 per week Tor about 32 weeks 144,00 “Total pall tothe Scho! for tio and ae ‘5169.00 In addition to the above, the student will kave to provide fer penal epee tke tel and net et ical to estimate sapence or thes, au they depend largely ‘on one’s personal tastes, except the ten of ave, wich are ‘withthe stance, As eeonamiealetaent cut to be able to Eo though the sesiom ata cose of $250.00 ‘dn account ef the very low rate charged for ord, students yes amet cat fr th sry tte tables and Ticep ‘alls and cls rooms in ote This takes ery bate tle and fe valuable par of ones taining Ts stent desires to enter the Trtning School hati unable 9 do 20 becauce of nana rotons, We il be glad to do all hate canto helper toe plan her Bnanees sto mae I Drsible for ter oventer the athcl, ‘The Trataing School Sei oung and has very few eodowel echolarcpe bat there are ‘ther ways of helping anda far so we can seat studeat Wo war otherwiee liste hae ever heen turned away frm the Train Ing School for uaacal ressons, Alf this should be adjusted by eoreesponience before the student comes to the schol 3. Whae the Student Should Brieg Besides, personal belongings all boarding students should bring the lowing articles “Two heavy woot blankets for 42nch bed Four sect Tor nck bd. ‘Tro pillow cases 16328 faches ‘Too or re maple rowel fmt hadvidsl seeds, [Names thou be marked pny sith indelible fk om each piece 4, Directions for Coming Railroad tickets should be purchase direct 0 Richmond If you gone over the Southern the C&O. or Seaboard raed ‘yon wil ave in Richnond se the Main Ste stason, Upon Miivlng takes steee car mare! “Bread and Main™ going wet ed get » traeler to Nocth Fist Steet. At Broad and Eiet ansler fa the Cinder Dacor which fe gual marke with = big Gora bi 7. Remain oa thig eat for about twenty miautee fd get uff at atop mamber 24." il them bein fot of 518 Ghageriayme ee, which he an go the Tran fase “Ifyou come on the Norfolk and Westen, Coart Line, or BR, FA Pee vou will avve in Richmond at the Broad Steet ‘Sition, ‘Take any street car going east and get a trancler to North First erect” Ar Broad and HistStveets transfer toCinter Park cara follow directions piven above ‘fyenwill rite tie Pastdant the how of your arial and the train'ea which you vil arrve, someone wil meet you at the fain." that even it best taste beocehnd Row we cx Hlemity you. The exist form of wenttenton fe 8 small piece of bon worn in eonopinus plac, IC yu iow efor the eet a mom of the bal Jing in which you are gg to room it f beat to give nue tr tec to tanar man athe depot and have Hy deve your Trunk St that somber wo Assombiy's Trini Sool, Rion, Va ee 5. Location ‘The General Acsembiy's Training School is ideally ocatd, Te lean education to live in Richmond wit its history. cal ture, and its churches. The student haste rare opportroity tovdevelog in ganeral education and altar, Whit fev mee to the pata, Ge student bar the cpportunisy of wnlying fest aa the woik of same of the largest aod mont ffrtne trches nd Sunday Schools to be fond anywhere andthe oppor. taking part in various farme of mision wok under ompetent Traders "The Training School located jn, Ginter Park, one of the taoatatteaetive residential sections of Richmond iad nar st ‘ies ae given «cordial welcome in the wey best Homes of this ‘eeton a well si other wecions ofthe cits, dust aos the sect from the Training School ie tested ion Theslgies! Seminary, with ie specious ground and handeome buldingo. During dhe year diacnguished speakers fom all parts ofthe world are brought t9 Union Seminary and ge fears open ents Sea School: “A tage nate uf our foreign missonasks ad we Senown workers our wn home church vit Union Seminary aol ‘the Traising Sehoot dur the yen, and it rae # pret fat our students s9 meet snd kn ‘and hear all of ese ‘The thle etmesphere san ideal one in which to deve Che tiab character and inn Tor Chess servic. 6, Securing Positions ‘There hasbeen a large demand forthe cervices ofthe graduates ofthe Training Schoot ana thes far the demand ae bee Inger than the supply. Phe faculty ofthe Teaiag Seal always lad tm be of cervie to ts stadents in helping them to Ince Fatableficks of service upon their gradation and in helping ther to make changes adele locaton for suy seo a ange sie." Of coe be fy canoe funranesto ire Peston tte members of the Sculey wil always count i 2 Privilege to be of aratance ang thi ite 1. Correspondence All cortespondeace should be addres to the Pest of the General Asemblys ‘Training Schoo! for Lay Workers 518 ‘Chanibestayne Avenue, Richmond, Vo. Atsonbls's Troi Scho, Richmond, Vo a a ee ORGANIZATIONS WITHIN THE TRAINING SCHOOL 1, Student Govern “The whole student body is organized forthe purpose of el enn Aeon re mato of fave had experience with seudene government in college, thie form of government Ts especially succesful ta" the Training Schon Students estering the Schon are expecta to ebuerve the ues which fave ben tne by the sea goverment Is highly desirable tha stadente who aren eaiing for Chat: tan ervie should learn to observe not ony the ordinary ules And propreties of life, but to eulvate als the general Beating ‘ghich the Church ard the poblle expect to find in one whine Hoe piven whnly to Christen work 2. Class Organizations Each clic is organized and cultivates & very loyal sit 0 the css and (othe iaetitution. “The ueval offices Sve fou in these clam organizations 3. The Woman's Ausiliacy “The young women of the Tiaining School have oranied a ‘Weman's Aline, modi aes Oe General Aseays lay for oni work tae Church ‘This Awsary a atu ‘ratacal demonstration of the work which many o se SoU ‘Nomen wil be aed on todo siter ine pradeae, 4. The Christian Endeavor “The student ofthe Training School have cngaaized a regalo tion Christian Edesvor Society In the work uf is Seeley they develo thir own spistua! ives and at the same time geta firsthand acquaintance with the work of epe ofthe meet lee {ie organizations for young: people which has yet been de 2 Assembly's Training Schoo, Ridmond, Vo. 5. Student Volunteer Band “Those are inthe Tralaay Sehool at present eleven volunteers ‘yh expect to g0 az foreigh manonartes when their course has Iba abmpeted,” These volunteers age organized into % most Pelpfut-velangeer bands which meets tremely for prayer apd (ofereace," A memiyerf his vluntoor band president of the Volunteer Union of the State of Virginia 6. The Settlament League [Numbers of our students are deeply interested in Christian Settement york: im our cis and Large intl centre and Ihave formed a league forthe study a tht work and for comer {hos auut aetlement wore” The meenbore ofthis league make “poral snd of ll uch workin the ety of Richmond, Aves Training Schl, Richmond Va 38 INFORMATION FOR INVESTORS ‘The General Assembly's Teuining School for Lay Workers ofr a fine opportyniy to invert some money where it wil be ‘hte ana where fe wil lel large divsdend We submit fee ‘ets whic sake Such an investment a very attractive one 1TThe Training School Belongs to the General Ascmbly of the Souther. Presiterin Church asd) the taestoe tun Te ge Math event wil always bang to he Presbyterian 3 The Teaning School isthe any school of the Kind in the sate Southorn Presbyterian Chant te whole Church {odrow on forts comttency. “This gives fea very wide fed [Sefprecent we we stents tom tweloe Stee. Tee destined te becone of the Largest and most uoefal tostiutons in the Te Training School is devel he TS The Training School ie developing into the great traning center for lay workers rhe the orehgn mio hd irom the Southemn Prebycerian Church.” Thee are 387 Tareign Iuransries saomected it the Southera Presbyterian Chuze Sind 274 of hese are ay menbers af the Church. Of the lay iMber ae men" Ts deo set a the Chur tinge these Tay" aksionares ean prepare definitely for eit Works "There are now even students in the Tesining Schoo! hn ng rept fr the oe elds eae gr Tngeach ear 41 The Training School is preparing Home Mision workers ssi are ring in the mountates nl and mines and indstiat fates to do all Kinds of home mission and Sunday School ‘wot ‘The Training Schoo is supplying well-trained Bible teachers for the chools an enleges far omen a our Church, "There isa groing demand fo rained ay workers to asict te pastors in the large chines. The pastor finds tapaibie todo all the wore that he wants ro do fr the youtg people and {he Sunday School and todo al the visting among the strangers find otters that he would ke tp do The modern ety euch oo lunge for one man, The Teasing Schools preparing ay xo Arsembiy's Training School, Rickrond, Va ‘workers to aint patons ip these large churches: at presat we Le nut able to supply the demand for such workers Noe of the pent needs of the majrty of churches today is fora larger numberof lay werkere ho are defintely tained Seles eke hea uc The aren au of students at he Taiping Schoo eich year who expect 10 fo bes to a home ehiieh ech a6 volomtare mowers an give That Statces ue ¢ work of we to the church ard the Master, We hope thot this summer wl increase for sear to year We ha suey realize wast se ocd mean fall ur eves cout ite jae» few auch trained workers fa them. Mink shat fe would mean to he Chord if all these de ments of service were fed with el rained fay workers regre lazge numbers ef our young peeple vin want fo train forsuch service and i He Tessa Seid ha room and elge set con aly fl eb ane wih rad eke We Fave ton ingaiis from about seventy, prospective. eden ‘pho would lige to enter the Trsinng Sehto} meat year, Dut fe E'Gununible for ue to accommodate such a Large number. We fannet provide for mre au ity stodeate nowy de ou room ie Fier We could have. 100 students next year Il we bod he toon for them, Trail of ve years we could have 209 stents {Rive can fudge from the lange number of inqusie which come 3the Needs of the Trinine Schoo: {The vest nel a Cerin that wil Hold 10 students. ‘Weare at present housing our stadent in two large theewsstory Seidences, "That meanr that wean take ony alinited mumbo ‘The dormitory would probably cost $180,00000. We have ‘Hetil lr en whieh 4 bud i The icaton & eal Gh The President's Chair ought to be endowed immediatly fo $6),000400. ‘The ‘Training School ought to be n'a poston to socute ae nce for Prtideat ote of te song, constructive Ieuters of the Chureh who cout give is whale tee to this reat works “We have bee hoping that scuneone would fe 10 {Edow the Prasiients Chase on cencigon hae the Presbyterian ‘Ghuren would proceed to rsse mae. t eect the darmutory. "the Chair of Baglsh Bie and other chase ougit to be cndowed at outa poste {i "The Training Schoo! nends $10,009.00 a year for eurrent expense th adequate endowments eam e aad. This mney ‘S'tended to crpley profesor aad to meet nece=rary eunn fxpenace, We lave te look to the churches, societies and ng Atsenbis's Training School, Richmond, Vo s viuala for this movey for curcent expenses, Lexington Pres Eytery put the Training Schoo! on the budget of ite churches Tact year for pr cnt ofall money eaatcbuted to benevalences ‘Tiel line il orator inthe otal Teall koe hurls woakd do tat wihis afew yes re woul havea get {nstttign for the feanine of home ant foreign misionsrien Stnvlay Scoot merken, Bible teachers, pastor's acieans and Al forte of Christian service (6) Numbers of splendid students wis to enter the Training Schon each year wtp are notable to met she nesesaey espe Aihough the expents bare been rebseed toa miuivame, The School needs s number of endowed scholarships the icome of ‘wih coud be sed inact zoek stulents: A Chr worsen Fergie Sehot $5.00 itty Hans diving the grt sae fr the ealowmant of sucha sciolardhip. We ish Mat many there woutd cow her eat ‘The Woman's Synolical Auslary of Texas has endowed a sehelarhip ithe Training Scoot witha principal of $2,000.00, theinterest of wich isto be wae in Set 4 exaseuder ‘other Synodiea and Presytera Auer have provid from year ta eae atholarsbipe ranging Hom $100.00 9275.00, individuals and sockets can rene a lage service by Bepang to meot te expenses of worthy atudeats eho ate 70t able > fest all of ther ow expenen,” The Brent of he Trsiiog ‘ehooi can farms you nth the names of suck worsens 1G. Gpon the death of Presbytesa elder Rien lat year fe was found that he hd ie the Training Schoo 8§00.0, Ihe will Hevwas nots wealthy man, bt he new the Traine tng School and fle that fc waa 2 good investment. Ifyou are fot in patton to help the Training Sehoo! in your hie tine, Help to eae yea ain by vemenieg yout 36 Assembly's Training Shot, Richwondy Va FORM OF GIFT Thereby subset forthe purpose of ereting suitable build- ings (endowinent) for the General Assenbiy's Training School for Lay Workers, Tne, the sum of Dollars, payable! FORM OF BEQUEST “Po the General Assombly’s Training School for Lay Workers, Incorporate, Richmond, Va, T give ad bequeath the sunt of “Dollars tbe applied by its Board of Man sera to the woes and ene of said School.” ‘For information on any eobjer connected with the Training ‘School write tothe Preudent of the General Asstnbly's Traine fig Sha or Lay Weer, ss Charme Avenue, Rel

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