A White Paper On Abortion: Teachings of The Ascended Masters On The Sanctity of Life in The Womb

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A White Paper on Abortion ‘Teachings of Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the Ascended Masters ‘On the Sanctity of Life in the Womb This paper is a statement of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters on the sacredness of life in the womb. Elizabeth Clare Prophet has been speaking out against abortion since it was legalized in 1973.’ ‘As a messenger for the ascended masters, she has given numerous lectures and seminars on the subject of abortion and its wide reaching impact on every area of human life. Through her, the ascended masters have also delivered hundreds of dictations outlining the consequences of abortion from a spiritual perspective. The following is their teaching. ‘The Abortion of the Divine Plan of the Soul God is in every child in the womb, and the soul of that child is a part of that fetus from the hour ‘of conception.” The Christ consciousness asa living potential isin the child from the moment of conception.’ The soul may come and go during gestation but the body is created with a certain set of ‘genes from both parents whereby the soul can fulfill her divine potential in this life." Abortion in the physical sense is also abortion in the spiritual sense.° The practice of abortion is not only the abortion of a body as a vehicle for the soul: it isthe abortion of the divine plan of a soul whose body temple is being nurtured in the womb. It is the abortion of an individual calling; for God chooses the special moment in history for each soul to return to earth to take part in the Divine Plan of the decades and the centuries.” The “child-man” in the womb is a mature soul, having complex thoughts and deep feelings. Only the body is undeveloped. ‘The child retains the faculties of cognition and recognition from one lifetime to the next. People do not realize that the child is fully aware of and feels the pain of abortion,” The trauma of abortion produces a profound trauma to those who are aborted. They pass from the sereen of life in shock and pain." At inner levels those who have been denied life have a tremendous ‘anguish and frustration that they cannot fulfill the"plan that God has for them and that they are not in embodiment to help meet the crises in the cities and nations.” ‘The Effects of Abortion on the Child and the Parents Mothers who undergo abortion often suffer not only physical complications of abortion but imental, emotional and spiritual complications as well. Many a woman has described the deep pain that gnaws at her for the rest of her life. This pain will follow her into future incarnations until it is resolved."" Furthermore, many have a karmic obligation to give life to specific souls. The aborting of a soul creates an even greater debt of karma to life and to that specific soul, which must be balanced sometime, somewhere." ‘Those who are not touched outwardly by abortion may also be saddened and grieved atthe loss of their cohorts who have been aborted. They sense that there are those who are not at their side—brothers and sisters, twin flames and soul mates, those who should be part of their mandal Abortion also creates problems for souls seeking to re-embody because they have not met the requirements for the ascension. If they are not able to fulfill the balancing of 51 percent of their karma at the conclusion of this life, they may be hard-pressed to find parents through which to reembody. This applies not only to those who have been aborted but to others as well. The process of being born is now so much more complex because of the tendency toward abortion.” Are There Any Exceptions to the Practice of Abortion? The time for choice is before conception. Abortion should never be used as a method of birth control." Whenever conception takes place, God has ordained that conception and it is God who sanetifies life."* Abortion is permitted in very specific cases of the danger to the life of the mother."° These cases are rare but the law should allow for them. There should not be loopholes that allow for a broad interpretation, making excuses for abortion when there ought not to be abortion."” on Even if it is foreknown that a child will be born with certain handicaps and difficulties, that child hhas a right to live to expiate the karma that can be worked out through being in that body. If the child is «given up for adoption, others have the opportunity to care for and love the child. In fact, a child that is not physically perfect may come with a heart of great love as a sacrifice to the nations." ‘Where there is a conception God ordains that life to come forth, no matter what the circumstance of that conception." Even in rape and incest, that conception is the will of God and must be hallowed, even though the parents did not hallow life at its inception.” If the mother cannot care for the child, it ‘may be given up for adoption and loved by others who will care for the child. . Sometimes the parents may only be required to give birth to the child, and by doing this, they ‘may fulfill their karmic commitment to that lifestream. It may indeed be in the divine plan of the child to ‘be adopted, even as childless couples, may, through the process of adoption, find the child that they would have otherwise had through the birth process. Forgiveness for Abortion Many do not understand the spiritual implications of abortion. Had they known these teachings, they would never have considered an abortion. Simply put, if people knew better. they would do better.” God does not condemn those who have sinned in ignorance.”* There is forgiveness after abortion, The violet flame can do much to balance the karma of abortion, both personal and planetary. The karma of abortion can also be transmuted by service to lite and by praying for those who have been aborted. One can also offer, if possible, to sponsor a child into ‘one’s family either through natural means or through adoption. A couple may even find that they have given birth to the same child who was aborted. If this is not possible, service to life may include serving children in any way feasible through many forms of community service. Speaking to others about abortion and the sanctity of life in the womb is also a means to balance karma and create good karma, Ifyou are a woman who has had an abortion or a man who has encouraged a woman to have an abortion, the messenger assures you that whether or not you knew about the sin of abortion at the time, it is not going to prevent your ascension in this lifetime if you give yourself 10 God in a service that ean balance that karma. Such service would include helping children in some way, working with children, praying and decreeing for the youth or bearing a child ifit is God’s will. ‘The Karma of the Nations : Abortion is against the law of God and it always has been, Abortion denies both the spiritual and physical destiny of a soul and is the murder of the God-potential of the soul.” One of the principal reasons why there are crises in the nations is that those whom God has sent to be here when these challenges were to come upon earth are not in embodiment. They are crying on the astral plane and in the etheric octaves because they do not stand at our side to assist us."* The practice of abortion has been likened to the Achilles heel of America.” It has far-reaching ramifications, and it has upset the spiritual-cosmic ecosystem.”* Sadly, the murdering of the unborn also becomes a sin of the nations, and the karma of that sin must descend. This karma makes all nations vulnerable to cataclysm in this age, and that karma must be balanced swiftly by bringing in these souls. Where nations have decreed the legalization of abortion, so the entire nation becomes vulnerable. And those who have the karma are also those who fail to speak out against this injustice.” The insensitivity t0 life in the womb breeds the insensitivity to every other part of life, whether in the Middle East and in every other nation or within one’s own community. To be able to silence oneself to the pleas and to the pain of the child being aborted is to be able to silence one’s sensitivity to every part of life. ‘Asa result of abortion, the American people and people of all nations, are vulnerable today through abdicating their responsibility to defend life.” This vulnerability can produce such events as cataclysm and earth changes, war and terrorism, economic instability, changes in the weather, increase of crime and murder in the cities, plagues and many other imbalances in the life force of the planet.” We are vulnerable because we have not defended life in the womb, nor have we, as a nation, effectively protected our children against those who would destroy their minds and bodies through drugs, violence, child abuse and child porography."! The turning around of this one thing can be the staying action of all other predictions concerning nuclear war and earth changes.” ‘What Can Be Done? ‘The ascended master teaching on abortion is the one thing that can turn many hearts to the truth and understanding. To this date all other explanations or arguments have not prevailed. The understanding of reincarnation, the life of the soul and the temple being prepared in the womb for that soul ean help to convince those who have trie heats of reason and love. They will come to understand that Life must be defended.” The laws condoning abortion need to be changed. Legalized abortion must be overturned.* We ‘must continue to inform and educate people through videotapes, lectures, the publication of booklets, brochures, pamphlets, through talking to people whom we meet and those who come to our study groups and teaching centers for counseling, Education and illumination are the way, not demonstration and fanaticism.” Prayer and spiritual work are vital. A perpetual vigil ofthe hours in defense of life has been called for." Pray for those who have been aborted, for those who commit abortion, either knowingly or ‘unknowingly, and pray for the nations that they may stop this practice. The karma of abortion needs to be balanced by the prayer and the science of the spoken Word and the use of the violet transmuting flame. The souls who have been aborted need to be welcomed by parents who can love and teach them. We should be welcoming those souls who ate waiting in the wings of life. They can assist us to solve the many problems ofthe world.” Let parents, particularly those ofa spiritual background, offer to give birth to not one but several children that they might bring in those who have been denied.”* ‘Adoption of children is an important option. There are many families who are childless and they could easily absorb all ofthe unwanted children through adoption, There need not be unwanted children, for so many desire to have them.” A young woman needs to know that she can carry her child to term, give birth to her baby in joy and love, and offer her child to waiting parents who will love and care for the child.” Many young women show greal courage inbringing their babies to fermrin the face of much adversity.*' Counseling centers and adoption agencies need to be available.” There also needs to be care for expectant mothers, including homes where they can safely bring forth their children.” Conclusion “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto 1." Reverence for life and the sacredness of life must be reestablished, because every living soul is the Chreptental i eae ete teas cr tuo Cnet ends eictateer ores for every potential being who may become the Christ.* ‘The abortion ofa lifestream in the womb isthe greatest child abuse on earth, And itis suffered in silent crucifixion. Mankind does not realize that in denying these litle ones, they actually abort the cycles of their own lives.” The slaughter of the holy innocents has been enacted again and again on the ancient civilizations and golden ages of Lemuria, on Atlantis and in every civilization ancient and modern where the forces of darkness have moved in with their degradation and degeneration. The plan of the forces of darkness is to steer civilization in a downward spiral, through abortion and the return of mankind's karma, through an all-out nuclear war, the invasion of America and its takeover. They seek the enslavement of the soul unto death and they stand ready to use mankind’s karma to achieve their ends.” Abortion must stop on every continent." So long as abortion is legal, none are safe except by the intercession of Archangel Michael and the hosts of the LORD.*' Heaven has promised to help. * We need to defend life, speak the word and call for the intercession of the hosts of the LoRD."* In truth, the community of the Holy Spirit worldwide is a mystical body of love. And the very strength of that body is able to overcome and tum over and inside out all of the worlds of darkness, all of the gathering of the forces of pro-abortion. Love is the only power—we need to believe it and affirm it" Be the instrument of the Word and see how the forces of darkness will tremble and be cast down.** Notes: 1, Tho Asvlog ofthe Four Horsemen chop 10 2 Sain Garman. 1001 Poa of Wega 9.30% 5. TheAstalnyof he Faur Horsemen, chap 10. 4. Sant Gorman, 1001 Peal of Wisdom 9.3012 5. Momer tary, 80 Pear of Wisdom, pp 522-25 8 The astoloay of Faur Horsemen, capar 10 Te 8 dost, 1900 Pears of Wisc, p 228 8 Motarary, 190 Pearl of Wado, p25. 10) Er arya, Lorde of tho Seven Ray Book 2, p23. 1. Etzstae Clare Propnat. 1900 Peas of dom. p. 185-99. 12 Kean Wn, 19 Paarl of Wisdom: pp. 204-2 13 Sant Goran, 1969 Pears of Wis,» £66 “4. Elzaber Clare Prophet 1008 Peas o Wisdom p. 371 nd Goddess of Line, 1889 Peas of Wisdom, p54 18 Archangel Ul, 1082 Pa of Wim, 181 ‘8. Kan vr 192 Poa of Wisdom page 20 {7 Sent Goma ane Poin, 1990 Peart of Wisdom p 969, ‘Kian Yr, 1092 Peal of aco, p 204, 18. rehongl Un, 1082 Por of Wisdom p18 20, ober Many 1890 Pears of Wedom p.828 2 Saet Germain, Joy 20,1968, £2 Note Many i200 Poa of Waar 9, 524-25, 25 Mater My, 190 Peart of Wisdom, 825 24 suc, 1960 Por o Wacom 9209 25 Mather hey, 1982 Peart of Wincor p45. 26. ther May. 1990 Peart of Waser 625, 2 Sain cen, 191 Peas of Wo 201-2 ib 28. Elaaboth Clare Prophet 1988 Pears of Wisdom, p72 50. Venous tstone ax desea nthe Le Bape Lie Manual 51. Eleabet Cte Prophet 1985 Peas af Wisdom, 5.72 432! Sam Garman, 191 Peal of Wisdom poge 4. 435 Saini Gamain and Porta, 190 Pea of Wade op 960-58. $4, deoue, 001 Pearl of Wiad, p. 247 235. Eleabat Clare Prot Sunt Unveay lecture, Jancary 31, 1986. 38. Morya 1974 Cane Lote 437. San Cama, 10 Poa of Wisdom, gp 904-2 oe £38. Mother Nay, 1990 Pears of Wacom, 9.52426. 40. Th Astrology ofthe Four Horsemen, chapor 10 41, oaue, 101 Poa of Wisaom, pp 247-8, 42 desue, 1904 Peas of Wisdom p24 42, Elza Clare Prophet, 1880 Pears or Wisdom, pp. 188-8, 4 tat, 2540 45 Ray-O-bam, 1988 Pea of Wado. $8, 48 The Aatology of he Four nore, Shaper 10 47 Ethie 1074 Crises Lair. 4 ena choe, 1975 Pears of Wiesom p73 40. Lena and, 1973 Peat of Wom 5 50: Sem Germain, 1991 Poort of Wisdom, op 3012. 51. athe Mary, 1981 Peat of Wisdom p 52 dvehangel Gat, 1981 Peart of Wisdom, pp 359-58, 53. Phys he Tstan, 10 Poa of Wiedom. op 396-97 58. Heros ana Ama, 1982 Pears of Wisco 18 55 deaue the Chr 682 Peart of Wisdom, 278 Recipients are walcome to print and duplicate copies ofthis document to share wih Church membership and othars who can Lunderstand ang appreciate the Church's postion on sborton Please request permission for any futher uses ofthe document ‘Copyeight ©2002 Church Universal aod Triumpn, Al sights reserved

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