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In "Spain Reasserts Control over Colonial Affairs," it is clear that Spain is not

happy with where the colonies are heading. Spain creates a set of guidelines for all of its
citizens in the colonies. For example, all schools are taught by priests of Catholic faith in
order to promote the ideology that is seen back in Spain. This also tries to eliminate the
disorder that is seen within the colonies that naturally have formed between different
villages. The end goal of this implementation is ease of rule. In Colonial Subjects Resist
Reform, many of the colonists have resisted the Stamp tax that has been imposed on
the colonists. They believe it to be unfair and do things such as seiz[ing] a man of wars
boat, haul[ing] her up, put[ting] the stamps in her and set[ting] the whole on fire.
Spain and England want people in the colonies to be more like those people
back in their home country. To do this, they prohibit any one in school without first
checking legitimacy and purity of blood. By doing this, Spain hopes to promote the
ideas of the Spanish empire by putting those who they deem most likely to be loyal to
Spain on a path to success. By only allowing the white individuals to participate in
education, the natives do not get a voice back directly to Spain, therefore limiting their
options on how they can make their opinions heard. The stamp tax was meant to prove
that the colonists were a part of the empire. They paid taxes much like the people of
Britain but this clearly has backfired. They feel it is unfair that they have to pay this tax
while being so distant from the empire. If smaller steps had been taken in order to
incorporate these changes, it may have been beneficial. The changes in Britain happened
too quickly which is why the people have been revolting. They have not seen the benefits
that can come from the empire, such as increased schooling that has occurred in the
Spanish empire. If the British had given the colonists something to benefit themselves,
instead of using them as a crutch to pay for wartime expenditures, the results may have
been very different.

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