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Christopher Caada

Dr. Doris Murphy

Educ. 4113.04
20 September 2014
PDA: Instructing Good Work Habits
The ability to be prepared is one that is crucial to the development in young students.
Good work habits must be received early in education, as they only become more and more vital
as school becomes more difficult for students. In this professional development activity provided
by the Association of Texas Professional Educators, I learned more about the importance of
quality work habits and study skills. Students who can maintain good study skills, manage their
time properly, and stay organized, are in a great position to succeed in the classroom.
Good work habits are essential to the proper development of students. Their success is
directly related to their understanding of preparedness. During the earliest of years, students must
develop habits that include preparing for schoolwork, organizing their time and effort, and
development of effective study skills. Organizational skills, time management, and efficient
study skills become very important by this stage of development. As students progress through
school into secondary school, their success depends on sustaining and refining these work habits.
Completing assignments within a given time and following routines, are some of the
expectations of students in school. Managing time and effort is essential for getting homework
done, or finishing special projects in the time given. When at home, it is essential the student
possess the skills needed to stay on pace without supervision. Not only is it vital for the child to
be able to start school work on his/her own, but it important that they spend the proper amount of
time on school work as well. A good student is a well-paced student. Tempo control helps

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students regulate the time they have for a particular project, and instills the knowledge of a step
based approach to completing assignments. Having students develop time lines or an outline for
the assignments could help give them the tools required to appreciate time, and correctly predict
the amount of time needed to complete the task.
To be efficient in school, a student must possess good organizational behaviors. Knowing
how to organize materials, work space, and themselves, students may find school much easier. It
can be very helpful to the students if you present them with a preview of an upcoming
assignment, so they can practice gathering all the materials needed to complete the project.
Encouraging students to keep everything in a close proximity and keep everything rather easily
accessible, can really alter the time it takes a student to complete, or even properly begin a
project. Organizational tactics will be an asset of great value through academia, and throughout
ones career. Giving students building blocks for organization could be the last push they need
for accomplishing your goals together.
The further and further students get through the education system, the more responsible
they become for their own learning. Participation in class, fully understanding instruction,
attending of class, and being prepared are study skills students must develop. Study skills are
techniques that create more effected learners. The ability to properly take notes is very key to the
success of the students. Students must actively listen, attaching new information to older
knowledge. The main ability needed is to be able to convert information from lecture, to a
readable summary. Study skills are another skill needed to achieve preparedness.

Certificate for course on next page

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Continuing Professional Education Credit Record

Association of Texas Professional Educators
(SBEC Provider ID # 500105)
ATPE Web-Based CPE
Participant Name: Christopher Canada
School District / Employer: TWU
Date Completed: 11/19/2014
Content Standard: Instructional Strategies
Session Title: Getting Organized & Good Work Habits for Students
Hours Completed: 2
I hereby certify that I have completed the CPE web-based program listed above by answering the content
questionnaire and reading and reviewing all text and material presented in order to achieve the maximum benefit of
the training credit.

Christopher Canada
Participant Signature

19 November 2014
This is an official document of verification. Retain this form as your record of CPE completion. Requests for certificate renewal
worksheets, application forms, additional information or complaint procedures should be directed to the State Board for Educator
Certification at 1001 Trinity Street, Austin, TX 78701, by telephone at (512) 936-8400 or at
Interested in discussing your thoughts about topics covered in the Getting Organized & Good Work Habits for
Students course? Visit the Idea Exchange, ATPE's online discussion forum, where you can share ideas and advice
with your fellow educators.

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