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As the course ends, I look back on the work Ive completed

throughout the course and for my signature assignments and feel
proud of the work I have submitted. I think the work done
demonstrates achievement in that they were well-composed and
submitted on time. The assignments I have done for this course
have connected with what I have learned in other General
Education classes in that they have broadened my knowledge of
the world around me and have taught me to look past what I
already know. Prior to this class, I did not know much about
family structures or marriage; this course has definitely
expanded my knowledge on the concepts relating to family and
marriage. The information provided through this class also
challenged my current assumptions; I was not aware of many of
the facts regarding divorce, homosexual relationships, or family
structures and found that many ideas or facts that I thought to
be true were, in fact, wrong. This class was enlightening in
that it opened my eyes to many concepts I was simply unaware of
or ignorant of.
When working on this assignment, I thought back on the entire
class and found that there was not one concept or assignment
learned or completed that I was more proud of; in general, I
found that there was not one assignment I wanted to highlight as
I was proud of all of them. I decided to choose the assignments
I did simply because they were based on concepts I was most
interested it and they demonstrated that I had learned something
new and exciting. I think the assignments I chose illustrated
growth and change in that I have learned and accepted new ideas
and will be able to apply them to my life later on. I think many
of the concepts learned in this class when I have my own family
one day and that is why I feel this class has promoted growth
and change.

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