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Adrienne Chen

Frances McCue
Honors 205A
5 October 2014
Imitation of Comedian as the Letter C
Note: woman is the intellect of her silt,
The subservient living. As such, the Plato
Of cheetahs, performer of apples, lex and
Principium. Sed responsum: this is that
Weave of things, this bewigged headmistress,
Preceptress to the earth. Crispinia on earth
Destroyed, in her night, a wave of certainty.
An eye most inept in culottes and cremes,
Concrete of metropolises, a hairdressers eye,
An eye of sea, of opulent ocean-beds,
Of lying rags, the eye of Crispinia, fell
On peaches, instead of orca whales,
And on clamorous peaches, whose leaves
Bobbed in winds that were bearded,
Transparent fuzz in a transparent realm.

All eat all pies, especially of pepper, quotha.

It was so much the found celestial,
The uneasy estival in that earth and pepper,
That second of gravel in a single crunch.
What counted was encyclopedia of all,
Unstained beyond staining. Crispinia,
The flautist of will-o-wisps, the vixen, the lady,

The naked tree, the murmuring mitts, gown

Of China, bonnet of Spain, insignificant hum
Of haw, unquestioning mortician,
And singular editor of bawdy
And brazen old-timers, now beheld herself,
A voluptuous explorer squinting through the earth-glass.
This word joined in sinuous symphony
And calming over claustrophobic ambiences,
Was name for this long-johns in all that brunt.
Crispinia was rooted present by triviality.
The part of death that had departed from her
Amplified to caroling cacophony in her ear,
Absent enlightenment, smack and scream,
Homophony within her caverns grip.

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