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Maribel Lara

Area A- Creativity and Communication

Title: Story Circle
Objectives: Students will enhance their imagination and concentration skills.
They will learn social skills and improve their communication skills.
Content Standards: Visual and Performing Arts, 3nd grade, Theatre Development of
Theatrical Skills:
2.0 Creative Expression/ Development of theatrical skills
2.1 Perform in group improvisational theatrical games that develop cooperative skills
and concentration.
Materials: None. Class gathers in a circle.
Description: One person begins a tale and stops after a few sentences. The next
person picks up the story thread and continues it, then stops. Next person adds to it
and so on until the tale comes to a resolution. The story could begin with a preselected title or subject to guide the improvisation. Try recording the story circle on a
tape recorder for later listening.
Follow-up Activities: Discussion Questions
Did you like this game?
Did you find any part of this game difficult? What part?
What can we do to make it better?
Where the objectives clearly stated and performed during the game?

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