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Debate draft

Qin Shi Huang, Qin Shi Huang, he was emperor number 1! Good morning/afternoon ladies
and gentlemen, I am talking to you today to tell you how Qin Shi Huangdi was a caring
leader. I will be discussing how Qin Shi Huang was a caring leader who wanted the best for
his country, how he wanted to protect China during war and conflict and how he was always
looking for new ways to improve and benefit China.
Source one, Modern Historians Theodore De Bary and Irene Bloom, is a book that indicates
how Qin Shi Huang was a man of extraordinary vision and demonic energy. He worked
tirelessly to build up the power and prestige of his regime. Never before had China been so
vast and powerful. This clearly shows that Qin Shi Huang was always working hard to make
China the best and how he was always coming up with different ways to improve it. Ladies
and gentlemen, the opposition are grasping at straws when they say that Qin Shi Huang was
not an inspirational leader, but in fact a cruel, heartless tyrant.
As evident in source 2, the Great Wall of China, Qin Shi Huang was very protective of his
country and wanted to protect his country from the Mongols. He was thinking outside of
the box by unifying all of the walls to build on big wall. Source 2 clearly shows how he was
thinking about China, and not himself. It also shows that he was always looking for new
ways to protect and benefit China. This demonstrates that Qin Shi Huang was a caring
leader. Qin Shi Huang, Qin Shi Huang, he was emperor number 1!
Source 3, the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project, an ancient waterworks used to provide irrigation
water and prevent the Minjiang River from flooding, shows that Qin Shi Huang was always
one step ahead and finding new ways to improve Chinas irrigation systems. The system
provided farmers with the peace of mind that their rivers are not flooding, which would ruin
their crops. Ladies and gentlemen this source clearly shows that Qin Shi Huang was always
caring about his people and wanting the best for farmers and citizens, the opposition are
clearly misleading you when they say that Qin Shi Huang was a cruel, heartless tyrant.
To conclude, Qin Shi Huang was clearly an inspirational leader because he was a man of
extraordinary vision, he was always ready to improve Chinas security levels and he was
always looking for new ways to benefit his people. It is without a doubt obvious that Qin Shi
Huangdi was a beneficial, merciful leader. Qin Shi Huang, Qin Shi Huang, he was emperor
number 1!

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