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In an attempt to better accommodate a populous, various changes must be undergone.

populous, who are born under a differing sociocultural and political climate, at times lack an
understanding for the previous or even for that pertaining to the present. To prevent offense and meet
that deemed appropriate, changes can be made to such things as speeches, images, and literature, all
which are protected under the first amendment as to be open to freedom of expression. Considering
that, they should not be altered or limited in any shape or form, with special emphasis on literature.
Literature has contained and dissipated ideas, stories, statements, sentiments for a great deal of time. It
has allowed the words of the past to be available to the present, and future, and to selectively choose
words to remove and replace, or to even place an overall restriction to access of these works, is an
offense to the writers right and power.
With strong emotions towards this topic compelling me, I will be writing my project on the
censorship and restriction of literature. My proposed thesis for this project will be the implementation
of restrictions on literature can be seen as beneficial on certain accounts, but its drawbacks are of a
greater degree and deserving of attention (could be changed). I will be going into this project with a
limited knowledge on the topic, but what I do know is that there is a vast amount of literature that has
been withheld from being read and another amount that will have to face revisions to be more reader
friendly, both situations receiving appraisal and upset. What I believe I will find in my research is that
these planned contemporary revisions are damaging to the writers intent and the restrictions currently
in place are misguided and emotionally based.
The sources that I plan to use in my project are webpage articles and personal accounts.
Webpages since many are available listing the books that are banned and censored, along with the
reasoning as to why, making them a valuable source in this project. Then personal accounts since I feel
that the true impact of this issue can be best expressed with the words of those who experience it.

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