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Lundberg, Valerie.

Censorship and Literature- A Brief Look at Censorship Using Marquis De Sade's

120 Days of Sodom as a Model. BA Thesis. Lule University of Technology, Lule. 2008.
Print. Provides an overview of censorship, breaking it down into sections of discussion. Gives
an in-depth analysis of censorship in literature through the utilization of a piece of literature that
was once widely banned but is now permitted in multiple countries. Includes insight into
modern censorship and how censorship has changed with time.
Murray, John Courtney. The Furrow. Vol.7. Maymouth: The Furrow Trust, 1956. Print. Explains the
central issues concerning censorship with focus placed solely on literature. Provides an analysis
as to whether individuals have a right to freedom of expression and the right of the government
to place restrictions. Discusses whether there should be conditions for limitations or if
limitations should not exist as a whole in regards to freedom of expression.
Ravitch, Diane. The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn. New York:
Vintage Books, 2004. Print. Discusses topics and words that have been deemed inappropriate
for students to have in the works they are taught from. Expands on how this comes from shift in
the political climate and how the conflicting sides of this climate are creating in a deprivation in
knowledge. Contains also obtained documentation of how censorship has spread in educational
Strauss, Valerie. A Plea for Book Censors to Stand Down Washington Post. Washington Post, 23
September 2013. Web. 16 November 2014. An article detailing the decision of Arizona to ban a
book from its high-schools that had until that moment not been called into question. Details
how this choice was based off the discomfort that its language and character representation
brought to some older individuals. Explains how such a decision is preventing the introduction
of young individuals into a more adult world.

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