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Lesson: Six

Course: Math Unit: Family Dynamics

Learning Outcomes:
MATH:1.PR.1 Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (two to four
General Outcomes:
PATTERNS AND RELATIONS:Use Patterns to describe the world and solve
Assessment: Black Line Master Patterning Assessment
Connection to last lesson: Using people to make families as a Pattern
Activating Strategy: Discuss how all families are different and we need to
understand that not everyone's families is the same as our own. Read Hansel and
Acquiring Strategy: Think about how we looked at all those different books, what
makes a family and why is it important that we accept differences in one another.
Could we use the characters to make a pattern and create a unique family?
Applying Strategy: Choose from the paper people I have and on a piece of paper
make their own start to a pattern. It can be anything if they would like to use Dad,
Boy, Girl as a pattern sequence they may, seeing as we read this book today. They
must make a pattern then double it to show they know what it means to have a
pattern, after this they must explain there pattern in AAB or ABCD or AACD
terms. Then using the same people switch the characters around to make a new
Extending Lesson: Create their own family out of paper people and repeat it to
make a pattern. switch up the characters to create different patterns.
Sources:The Brothers Grimm, Hansel and Gretel, ISBN 0-8037-3492-1
Multiple Intelligences:
Logical Mathematical- Creating patterns

Visual/Spatial- placing the family members on the page where ever they like to
create a pattern
Verbal/linguistic- Discussion of Hansel and Gretel
Interpersonal- Talking with one another about their patterns
Intrapersonal- Making their individual pattern

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