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Beatrice Suwarni Tjouwardi. Description of Sleep Frequency on Babies Aged

1-6 Month at Pediatric Clinic Pediatric Clinic of Sitti Khadijah Mother and
Child Hospital Makassar 2014. Supervised by Yonathan Ramba, S.Ft, Physio,
M.Si and Salki Sadmita, S.Ft, Physio, M.Kes.
Sleep is the main priority for the baby. Growth and development very
depend from sleep. Based on a research in London in 1998 revealed that the baby
who had much sleep, development of his brain will be optimal. Sleep is one of the
stimulus of brain growth process (Eddy Siswanto, 2008). Babies have different
sleep habits. It depends of many factors, including age of the baby itself, gender
and labor process. The factors that influence the quantity and quality of sleep is
dissease, fatigue and exercise, nutrition and environment. From research that have
been conducted by Richardson (2010), said that in the age of 2 4 weeks a baby
boy more easily awakened than baby girl during non-REM sleep. Sectio caesarea
against pervaginal delivery which are biologically programmed, against time and
trigger of a normal birth. C-section goes against the biological programmed
vaginal birth, against the timing and cause of this process. Shock results in startle
and fear responses. Hyper alertness and sleeping difficulties can be associated
with the caesarean shock. (Verdult, 2009).The purpose of this research is to
describe sleep frequency of babies aged 1-6 months at the Pediatric Clinic of Sitti
Khadijah Mother and Child Hospital Makassar 2014.
This research is a descriptive study using the cross-sectional design. The sample
of this study was 50 babies aged 1-6 months at the Pediatric Clinic of Sitti
Khadijah Mother and Child Hospital Makassar 2014.
Most babies suffer lack of sleep at the age 6 months. Most babies that had sleep
deprivation was male babies. Most babies who born by Caesarean section had
sleep deptivation.

Keywords: sleep frequency, age, gender, labor


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