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Michael Pope

Management & Organization
Dr. Scruton
Portfolio Assignment #1
The ideal Organizational Culture for me would be an environment in which members of that
organization are uplifted and ready to help one another out, and collectively reaching set goals
for the organization. The environment that I feel would be suit me the best would be an
atmosphere that is uplifting, and one in which it is very easy to communicate with anyone within
the organization. From past experiences I have held positions that range from 20 hours per week
to upwards or 65 hours per week. Working up to 70 hours per week has become the norm for me
through me last internships, but this comes from working 6 days per week and often 7 days per
week. The schedule that I prefer when working is an opening shift, this normally is around 6 AM
to 3PM, but with changes to the workload I stay flexible to come in earlier or stay later if needed.
I prefer more flexibility over structure because flexibility allows members in the organization to
be working on different projects and allow them to work what is best suited for that individual.
Another reason that I prefer flexibility over structure is that I can be flexible with my time to
make sure that the tasks are am charged with completely will be done to the best of my ability
and I am not forced to rush and complete something to stay within a certain time frame. From
prior job that I have had and experiencing a variety of organizational cultures, I feel as though a
calm environment where things can be discussed and mediation is involved lead to a more
productive group in the overall scheme of things. From my most recent interns hip I was in an
environment where I could freely talk to my manager with any questions or concerns that I had,

and this helped me to understand the jobs in which I need to completely and his level of
expectations for those jobs. If something was lacking from his expectations, rather than
becoming angry and getting mad he talked me through what he wanted to see changed and why
his expectations were the way they were. This helped me to understand how my work
represented him and the organization. An environment that I can feel free to ask questions and
talk to others within the organization to understand my role and expectations laid upon me help
me to perform my best.

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